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- Szervezet
- ÁJTK Politikatudományi Intézet
- Kód
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- Changing dynamics of parliaments
- Tervezett félév
- Mindkét
- Meghirdetve
- 2024/25/2
- 5
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- CHANGING DYNAMICS OF PARLIAMENTS Lecturer: Dr. Alvaro Cabrera PhD - Institute of Political Science (ELTE) E-mail: alvarocabreraphd@gmail.com Availability: By appointment Course description What is the future of parliaments? What are the main changes in parliamentary life? How can citizens influence the political agenda and what are the consequences of the digital age? The principal idea of this course is to introduce the latest changes in parliamentary life, focusing on national parliaments in Europe and sometimes the European Parliament. However additional examples will be examined from Australia or South America. During the course we are going to combine a practical point of view with a more theoretical perspective. Despite of the fact that parliaments are traditional isntitutions, important institutional and methodology based changes have occured recently and we are going to understand and examine these developments as follows: - the traditional parliamentary model; - the Hungarian National Assembly; - new forms and methods to enhance the legislative function; - changing nature of oversight activities; - the influence of international parliamentary cooperation; - e-parliament and e-parliament models; - new ways of communication between citizens and parliaments; - e-petition systems and citizen parliamentary online fora; - the problem of exclusion from the new communication forms and possible inclusion methods; - parliamentary autonomy; - regulatory impact analysis and foresight studies; - parliament of the future. Although the focus will be on development and future we need to connect all of these to the existing parliamentary tradition and practice. Assessment Regular attendance needed (students are allowed to skip two classes in the semester). One essay to be written and submitted before the last session (1 500 and 2 500 words) Literature and educational resources selected literature and other information resources will be provided (the website of the course is coming soon)
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Tantárgyi tematikák a Politikatudományi Intézet által meghirdetett tárgyakról 2021-22 I. félév Tantárgy neve: Changing dynamics of parliaments Képzés- tagozat: Tantárgy kreditszáma: Tantárgyfelelős: Alvaro Cabrera PhD Számonkérési forma Gyakorlati jegy (kiselőadás és rövid tanulmány/esszé) Erős előfeltétel: Angol nyelvtudás Gyenge előfeltétel/társfeltétel: Kapcsolódik-e hozzá gyakorlat/szeminárium? nem Előadások tematikája: hét: Introduction and the role of parliaments in democracy hét: The Hungarian National Assembly hét: Parliament’s main functions I. Legislation hét: Parliament’s main functions II Oversight hét: Parliament’s main functions III. Politics - Members of Parliament, parliamentary groups hét: Women’s parliamentary participation hét: Future of parliaments (e-parliament and models) hét: World e-parliament report 2020 hét: New forms of participation: e-petition and other participatory elements hét: Changing legislation: Regulatory impact analysis/legislative footprint/lobbying hét: International parliamentary cooperations and future studies for legislative bodies hét: Parliamentary solutions for the pandemic situation hét: Summary of the course and open debate Tananyag: Kötelező és ajánlott irodalom: The course literature and presentation materials will be made available to participants online. Vizsgakövetelmények: Írásbeli/szóbeli Egyebek:
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