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Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Közigazgatási Jogi Tanszék
Comparative Administrative Law
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Title: Comparative Administrative Law Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Andrew Hammond (Maurer School of Law, Indiana University, U.S.A.) Prof. Dr. István Hoffman Prof. Dr. Krisztina Rozsnyai (Department of Administrative Law, ELTE) rozsnyaik@ajk.elte.hu Schedule: Mondays 12:00-14:00 and a block of 5 classes between 10th March – 14th March 2025 [Monday 12.00-14.00, the other days preferably in the morning or late afternoon, to be agreed on together at the beginning of the course] Brief description: This course will first provide some basics of comparative administrative law, such as the possibility of comparing different legal systems, and it will show the different approaches of the Anglo-Saxon and Continental administrative systems. The second part of the course will be dedicated to administrative organs and their different systems. The third part will be an introduction to U.S. administrative law, with a focus on recent changes, particularly with respect to the relationship between the executive branch and the federal legislature. This part of the course will be taught as a block seminar by a visiting professor from the United States. The final part of the course will be focused on administrative justice. Schedule: 1. [17.02.] Introduction. Methods of legal comparison (István Hoffman) 2. [24.02.] Comparative Administrative Law and Comparative Public Administration (István Hoffman) 3. [03.03.] Comparing administrative organisation (István Hoffman) 4-8. [10.03-14.03] Congress and the Future of Administrative Law in the United States (1)-(5) (Block seminar between 10th March – 14th March 2025) (Andrew Hammond) 9-10. [17.03. and 24.03] Comparing administrative justice systems (Krisztina Rozsnyai) 11. [31.03.] Final exam Materials/Recommended readings: 1. Rose-Ackerman, S., Lindseth, P. L. & Emerson, B. (eds.) (2019) Comparative Administrative Law. Cheltenham (UK) & Northampton (MA, USA): Edward Elgar 2. Kuhlmann, S. & Wollmann, H. (2014) Introduction to Comparative Public Administration. Cheltenham (UK) & Northampton (MA, USA): Edward Elga (or more recent editions) 3. István Hoffman (2018) Challenges of the Comparative Municipal Law – in the Light of the Comparison of the Municipal Tasks. In: Hintea, C. et al. (eds.) Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration 2017. Cluj-Napoca: Accent, pp. 206-219. 4. Rozsnyai, F. K. (2019) Current Tendencies of Judicial Review as Reflected in the New Hungarian Code of Administrative Court Procedure. Central European Public Administration Review 17 (1), pp. 7-23., https://.doi.org/10.17573/cepar.2019.1.01 Assessment/Exam: Two-fold assessment: Exit-tests at the end of the classes (40%) and a written exam at the end of the course (60%), both in the LMS Moodle

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