Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Polgári Jogi Tanszék
European Private Law
Tervezett félév
Tantárgy tartalma
European Private Law Lecturer: Prof. Attila MENYHÁRD Chair Professor (Department of Civil Law) e-mail: menyhard@ajk.elte.hu The target of the course is analysing the law of the European Union, including legislative products as well as court practice of the CJEU from the point of view of structural issues of private law. We analyse fundamental problems rather than addressing the details of specific legislation. The analysis is put in a comparative context where the main goal is understanding the development of the relevant parts of private law. This shall result in a deeper understanding the European law. The topics to be addressed are the followings: 1. Horizontal vs vertical effect of EU law 2. Anti-Discrimination 3. Private law consequences of violation of competition law (invalidity of contracts, damages) 4. Standard contract terms and consumer protection 5. Product liability 6. General principles of EU private law (unjust enrichment, abuse of rights) 7. State liability 8. Artificial Intelligence, biotechnology and EU law 9. Unification of private law, soft law instruments and indirect convergencies in court practice 10. The fundamental freedoms and their consequences in private law Suggested literature A. Hartkamp / C. Sieburgh / W. Devroe: Cases, Materials and Text on European Law and Private Law (Hart Publishing, 2017). Further relevant pieces of legislation and court practice will provided during the semester. Assessment Students are required to contribute to the course with an individual essay or presentation concerning an issue which is relevant from the point of view of the course. This contribution as well as the contribution to the seminars will be the basis of evaluation of the participants.

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