Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- ÁJTK Nemzetközi Jogi Tanszék
- Kód
- Cím
- European Public Law and Policy 1.
- Tervezett félév
- Mindkét
- 5
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- Title Lecturers: European Public Law and Policy Prof. Pál Sonnevend, Dr. Petra Jeney, Dr. Tamás Kende Department of International Law jeney@ajk.elte.hu Course description The one semester long lecture based course maps out the characteristics of the European Union as a legal entity and the specific features of its legal order. The main goal of the course is to provide a solid understanding of the functioning of the European Union and how its legal system works and interacts with national law. Departing from early ideas of European integration the course explains in a detailed fashion the division of competences between the EU and its Member States, the sources and nature of EU law, its relation to national laws and the available judicial mechanism to enforce EU rules.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Couse outline During the semester the following topics are considered: History of European Integration – from the founding treaties to the Treaty of Lisbon and beyond Fundamental values and operational principles of the European Union Division of competence between the EU and its Member States - principle of conferral, principle of subsidiarity and proportionality, EU institutions I – the European Council and the Council of Ministers EU institutions II – the European Commission EU institutions III – the European Parliament EU legislative processes – adoption of legislative acts EU decision-making procedures- adoption of delegated and implementing acts, intergovernmental procedures EU sources of law – primary and secondary sources Nature of EU law – relationship between EU law and national law – principle of supremacy Nature of EU law – relationship between EU law and national law – principle of direct effect Nature of EU law – relationship between EU law and national law – state liability Fundamental rights protection in the European Union Enforcement of EU law – role of national courts and the preliminary reference procedure Enforcement of EU law – Court of Justice of the European Union – infringements procedures Enforcement of EU law – Court of Justice of the European Union – judicial review
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Assessment Written exam
Kurzus szakjai
Név (kód) | Nyelv | Szint | Kötelező | Tanév | ... |
Erasmus program keretében (ÁJTK-ERASMUS-NXXX) | hu | Kötelező | |||
jogász (ÁJTK-JOG-NOHU) | hu | 7 | 1/5 |