Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- ÁJTK Közigazgatási Jogi Tanszék
- Kód
- Cím
- Competition Law
- Tervezett félév
- Mindkét
- 5
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- Lecturer: Szabolcs Szendrő (attorney-at-law, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP) szendro.szabolcs@staff.elte.hu Brief description: This course provides an in-depth overview of competition law, also known as antitrust law, and its role in regulating and promoting fair competition in the marketplace. Through a comprehensive exploration of legal principles, case studies, and contemporary issues, students will develop a solid understanding of the legal framework governing business practices, market structures, and competition enforcement. Schedule: 1. Theoretical background (relationship between competition, economy and law; context of efficiency incentives, consumer welfare and public interest; history of competition law; purpose and scope of competition act) 2. The main rules of the competition control procedure of the Hungarian Competition Authority, the relationship between the competition act and the act on general public administration procedure (competence and jurisdiction, stages of the procedure, powers of investigation, system of sanctions, legal remedies) 3. The prohibition of unfair competition, unfair commercial practices and unfair influence on business decisions including the practice of consumer protection proceedings 4. The prohibition on agreements restricting economic competition I. - the practice of approaching cartels by object ("hard-core" restrictions of competition) 5. The prohibition on agreements restricting economic competition II. - the practice of assessing agreements on the basis of actual or potential restrictive effects 6. The prohibition on agreements restricting economic competition III. - special procedural rules and powers of investigation ("dawn raid", leniency, settlement, LPP) 7. The prohibition on abuse of dominant position I. - Cases of exploitative conducts and investigation methods 8. The prohibition on abuse of dominant position II. - Cases of exclusionary conducts and methods of investigation 9. Merger control of undertakings I. - Practical aspects of the rules to assess the effects of a concentration 10. Merger control of undertakings II. - Simplified and Phase II merger control procedures, authorisation criteria 11. Case law, competition law situational and argumentation exercises 12. Case law, competition law situational and argumentation exercises Materials, Recommended readings: 1) dr. Györgyné Boytha / dr. András Bodócsi / dr. Katalin Kaszainé dr. Mezey / dr. Zoltán Nagy / dr. Kinga Pázmándi / dr. Imre Vörös: Competition Law; edited by Tamás Sárközy, HVG-ORAC Publishing House, 2001 2) Whish, R., & Bailey, D. - Competition Law (Oxford University Press, 2021) 3) Massimo Motta: Competition Policy - Theory and Practice, (Oxford University Press, 2004) 4) Competition law guidelines and notices https://www.gvh.hu/en/for_professional_users/notices Assasment, Exam: A total of 120 points may be obtained during the course, broken down as follows: 50 points may be obtained for participation in the first 10 lessons (5 points per lesson), 20 points may be obtained (10-10 points) for participation and performance in case law based situation exercises (lessons 11 and 12). A maximum of 3 absences are allowed during the course. 50 points may be obtained from the solution of the specific assignment(s) set during the lessons.
Kurzus szakjai
Név (kód) | Nyelv | Szint | Kötelező | Tanév | ... |
Erasmus program keretében (ÁJTK-ERASMUS-NXXX) | hu | Kötelező | |||
jogász (ÁJTK-JOG-NOHU) | hu | 7 | 1/5 |