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ÁJTK Nemzetközi Jogi Tanszék
The law of international trade and investment protection
Tervezett félév
Tantárgy tartalma
Title The law of international trade and investment protection Lecturer(s): Contact e-mail address: Tamás Kende Associate Professor International Law Department tkende@ajk.elte.hu Schedule 1. Introduction to International Economic Law - Definition and scope of international economic law; relationship with public international law - Historical evolution of international economic institutions - Overview of key players (WTO, IMF, World Bank) - Overview of main fields of international economic law 2. Introduction to International Investment Law - Historical development of foreign investment regulation - Sources of international investment law: bilateral investment treaties (BITs), free trade agreements, customary international law - The role of policy objectives (economic development, investor protection, national sovereignty) 3. Bilateral and Multilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) - Basic objectives and common provisions of BITs - Typical structure and clauses (MFN, Fair and Equitable Treatment, expropriation) - Investment chapters in free trade agreements (e.g., NAFTA/USMCA, CETA) - Ongoing evolution in newer model BITs and investment chapters (e.g., “modern” approach, sustainable development, environment etc.) 4-5. Substantive Protections in International Investment Law - Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard (FET) - Full Protection and Security (FPS) - Prohibition of expropriation without compensation (direct and indirect) - Umbrella clauses 6. Overview of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) ICSID and Other Arbitral Institutions - The special charachter of ISDS - Key arbitration rules: ICSID, UNCITRAL, SCC, ICC - Jurisdiction, consent, and procedural mechanisms of ISDS - ICSID Convention: historical context, institutional structure, procedural rules - Comparison with other arbitral forums (e.g., UNCITRAL, London Court of International Arbitration) - Dissatisfaction and reforms: criticisms and proposed alternatives, critical perspectives, including transparency, legitimacy, and regulatory chill 7. The Relationship between EU Law and Investment Law - Overview of the European Union’s competence in investment matters (post-Lisbon Treaty) - Termination of Intra -EU BITs - ECT CJEU Case Law on Investment Agreements - The Achmea decision (CJEU) and its impact on investorstate arbitration within the EU - Tension between EU primacy and states’ international obligations under investment treaties - Analysis of landmark rulings (e.g., Opinion 2/15, Achmea, Komstroy) - The approach taken by EU courts toward arbitration clauses in investment agreements - Compatibility of ISDS mechanisms with EU legal order - Future trajectory and potential solutions for reconciling conflicts 8. Enforcement of Investment Arbitral Awards - Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards under the ICSID Convention - The New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards - Grounds for refusal of enforcement in various jurisdictions - Practical challenges: state immunity, execution against state assets - Enforcement of intra EU awards. 9. EU Investment Policy - The evolving EU common investment policy since the Treaty of Lisbon - EU free trade agreements with investment chapters (e.g., CETA, EU-Vietnam FTA) - The Investment Court System (ICS) as an alternative to traditional ISDS - Ongoing negotiations and the push for a Multilateral Investment Court (MIC) - Control of foreing investment in the EU Reforms and Emerging Trends in International Investment Law - Critiques of the current ISDS model and legitimacy concerns - Transparency in investment arbitration (UNCITRAL Transparency Rules) - Environmental and social considerations: sustainable development clauses in modern investment treaties - Regional approaches and the rise of alternative forms of dispute resolution Midterm paper. – An essay to be written in moodle in 60 minutes. A choice of 3 subjects shall be offered. Length 6000 to 8000 characters or 1000 to 1250 words 10. Foundations of International Trade and the WTO, dispute settlement - WTO structure, institutions, decision making, - fields, - sources of law - principles - fora of dispute settlement and procedures, jurisdiction 11. GATT and GATTS - main provisions - principles 12. TRIPS - main provisions - principles 14. Anti -dumping, Subsidies - main provisions - comparison between WTO and EU rules - ongoing disputes
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment/Exam Term paper. – An essay to be written in Moodle in 24 hours. A choice of 3 subjects shall be offered. Length 30.000 characters
Readings 1) The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization Text, Cases and Materials 3rd Edition Peter Van den Bossche Werner Zdouc, Cambridge University Press 2022 – pages indicated 2) Principles of International Investment Law Second Edition Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer OUP 456 o. 3) The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law Daniel Bethlehem, Donald McRae, Rodney Neufeld, and Isabelle Van Damme Oxford Handbooks in Law 856 o. 2009 4) M. Herdegen: Principles of International Economic law 2ed. OUP 2016. 5) Joost Pauwelyn: Rational Design or Accidental Evolution? The Emergence of International Investment Law 6) Christian Tietje & Clemens Wackernagel: Enforcement of Intra -EU ICSID Awards Multilevel Governance, Investment Tribunals and the Lost Opportunity of the Micula Arbitration 7) August Reinisch: The EU on the Investment Path – Quo Vadis Europe? The Future of EU BITs and other Investment Agreements 8) For Hungarians it may help to read the relevant chapters of Kende, Jeney & Szűcs Európai Közjog és politika Kluwer 2018

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