Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Politikatudományi Intézet
Political analysis in practice
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Political analysis in practice The aim of the seminar The aim of this seminar is to help students to familiarize themselves with the most important concepts and problems of practical political analysis and to urge them to follow day-to-day politics through the analytical lens of the political scientist and of the political analyst. In three months, students will learn a practical and step-by-step method to analyze and understand current events. To sum up, they will surely be able to orient themselves as citizens and members of the City. Attention! Knowledge of the Hungarian language is not necessary for students in order to successfully accomplish the course, but fluent English is a must. Structure The present course will provide students with 1) the most important concepts and problems of political analysis 2) a practical method of analysis. Evaluation Student performance will be assessed comprehensively. The final note will consist of two parts, according to the structure of the course itself: 1. Presence and participation in debates regarding current affairs (60% of the final note), 2. Preparation of two written political analyses (40%), 2 3. Erasmus students will be required to submit an extra piece of work (to be discussed with the lecturer on a case by case basis). Attention! Please note that no more than two absences are allowed during the semester. Your written materials will be thoroughly verified by the use of online plagiarism checkers. Plagiarism automatically results in failure of the seminar regardless of your prior work and test results! Indicative program Topic to discuss 1. Introduction. The problem of “neutrality”. Academic theories, methods and their use in practical analysis. (Background readings distributed.) 2. Contemporary media consumption. The filter bubble. Handling multiple sources of information in practice. Relevance and curiosity: what is important? (practice). Source criticism (practice). 3. Media consumption – practice and discussion. 4. Readings: Nate SILVER: The signal and the Noise. 5. Readings: Philip TETLOCK et al.: Superforecasting. The Art and Science of Prediction. 6. Readings catch-up. 7. The process of analysis. 8. Practice: Analyzing a complex political issue. 9. Practice: Analyzing a complex political issue. 10. Practice: Analyzing a complex political issue. 11. Catch-up. 12. Summary. Closure of the semester. Workload of the class 24x45 minutes of contact hours (2 hours / week, 12 weeks) + a minimum of 4x45 minutes of work at home hours (preparation for class and essay writing). Eszter-Petronella SOÓS lecturer
Tantárgy tartalma
Tantárgy neve Political Analysis in Practice Képzés- tagozat: nappali jogász, politológia BA, MA, Erasmus Tantárgy kreditszáma: 2 (ELTE-hallgatóknak) 5 (Erasmus-hallgatóknak és külföldi vendéghallgatóknak) Tantárgyfelelős: Dr. Soós Eszter Petronella mb. előadó Számonkérési forma: Gyak. jegy (5) Erős előfeltétel: nincs Gyenge előfeltétel/társfeltétel: nincs Kapcsolódik-e hozzá gyakorlat/szeminárium? nem Előadások tematikája: 1        1 hét: Introduction. Rationality. Values, interests and salience. 2        2 hét: Contemporary media consumption. The filter bubble. Handling multiple sources of information in practice. 3        3 hét: Relevance and curiosity: what is important? (practice). Source criticism (practice). 4        4 hét: Narratives in politics. 5        5 hét: Practice. 6 6 hét: Analysis: step by step 1. 7        7 hét: Analysis: step by step 2. (or practice) 8        8 hét: The writing process 9        9 hét: Presentations 1. 10    10 hét: Presentations 2. 11    11 hét: Practice (or catch up) class. 12    12 hét: Practice (or catch up) class. 13    13 hét: Summary. Closure of the semester. Tananyag: A tantárgy tananyagát (és egyben vizsgaanyagát) képezik az előadásokon elhangzottak teljes egészükben, továbbá a kötelező tananyagként megjelölt könyvek (jegyzetek, szöveggyűjtemények) tanulmányok Kötelező és ajánlott irodalom: 1.      Silver, Nate – The Signal and the Noise; 2.      Tetlock, Philip et al. - Superforecasting Vizsgakövetelmények: Órai jelenlét és részvétel (60%) Két írásos elemzés elkészítése Porezentáció tartása (Erasmus-hallgatóknak és vendéghallgatóknak)
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