Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Politikatudományi Intézet
Political Game Theory
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
A képzés célja olyan politológusok képzése, akik ismereteket szereznek a társadalom politikai rendszerére és viszonyaira, azok főbb törvényszerűségeire, a politikai intézményekre, a politikai hatalom szervezetére és azok működésére vonatkozóan.
Tantárgy tartalma
Tantárgy neve Political Game Theory Képzés- tagozat: Nappali jogász, politológus BA, MA, Erasmus Tantárgy kreditszáma: 2 Tantárgyfelelős: Dr. Málik József Zoltán Számonkérési forma: Gyak.jegy (5) Erős előfeltétel: - Gyenge előfeltétel/társfeltétel: angol nyelvtudás Kapcsolódik-e hozzá gyakorlat/szeminárium? nem Előadások tematikája: 1.       hét: Bevezető 2.      hét: Game Theory as a method to explore social situations 3.      hét: Games and Decisions 4.      hét: How to decide in games? 5.      hét: The Types of Players 6.      hét: How to Solve Games? 7.      hét: Solving a game in mixed strategies 8.      hét: Conflicts 9.      hét: Intensive conflicts as zero-sum games 10.   hét: Coordination Mechanisms 11.    hét: Cooperative Games 12.   hét: Negotiations 13.   hét: Final exam Tananyag: A tantárgy tananyagát (és egyben vizsgaanyagát) képezik az előadásokon elhangzottak teljes egészükben. Kötelező és ajánlott irodalom: At the end of the course i) the student should be able to formalize a strategic situation as a well-defined game; ii) choose appropriately from a basic kit of analytic tools, called solution concepts, to analyze and solve a wide variety of games and applications; iii) understand the assumptions underlying these concepts, as well as their strengths and limitations; iv) students should be able to think strategically and recognize a strategic interaction in real life situations. They should be able to formalize the situation, frame it in terms of the analytical tools discussed, and understand the strategies followed by the protagonists of such interaction. Vizsgakövetelmények: The Goal of the Course:  At the end of the course i) the student should be able to formalize a strategic situation as a well-defined game; ii) choose appropriately from a basic kit of analytic tools, called solution concepts, to analyze and solve a wide variety of games and applications; iii) understand the assumptions underlying these concepts, as well as their strengths and limitations; iv) students should be able to think strategically and recognize a strategic interaction in real life situations. They should be able to formalize the situation, frame it in terms of the analytical tools discussed, and understand the strategies followed by the protagonists of such interaction. Egyebek: -
Számonkérés és értékelés
Vizsgakövetelmények: The Goal of the Course: At the end of the course i) the student should be able to formalize a strategic situation as a well-defined game; ii) choose appropriately from a basic kit of analytic tools, called solution concepts, to analyze and solve a wide variety of games and applications; iii) understand the assumptions underlying these concepts, as well as their strengths and limitations; iv) students should be able to think strategically and recognize a strategic interaction in real life situations. They should be able to formalize the situation, frame it in terms of the analytical tools discussed, and understand the strategies followed by the protagonists of such interaction.
Kötelező és ajánlott irodalom:At the end of the course i) the student should be able to formalize a strategic situation as a well-defined game; ii) choose appropriately from a basic kit of analytic tools, called solution concepts, to analyze and solve a wide variety of games and applications; iii) understand the assumptions underlying these concepts, as well as their strengths and limitations; iv) students should be able to think strategically and recognize a strategic interaction in real life situations. They should be able to formalize the situation, frame it in terms of the analytical tools discussed, and understand the strategies followed by the protagonists of such interaction.

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