Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézet
The Anthropocene in Theory and Literature
Tervezett félév
This seminar offers an introduction to the phenomenon of the “Anthropocene”. We will read easy-to-understand basic texts on the theory of the Anthropocene as well as two literary works in English translation which belong to the literature of the Anthropocene. By working through the theoretical texts, we will become familiar with the basic concepts and problems of Anthropocene research, and by reading works of fiction together, we will learn about the aesthetics of so-called Anthropocene literature. The theoretical texts to be read by Bruno Latour and Eva Horn, as well as the works of fiction by Max Frisch (“Man in the Holocen”, 1979) and Judith Schalansky (“An Inventory of losses”, 2018) will be made available online. The final list of readings will be negotiated with the students in the first seminar session, taking into account language skills and special interests.
Oktatás célja
Knowledge to be acquired: - Students are required to identify and demonstrate knowledge of the key concepts and problems of the so called anthropocene research and aesthetics. Competencies to be developed: - The seminar focuses on the skills of understanding basic philosophical and cultural-critical problems, as well as the skill of recognizing and identifying aesthetic practices in the literature of the Anthropocene.
Tantárgy tartalma
This seminar offers an introduction to the phenomenon of the “Anthropocene”. We will read easy-to-understand basic texts on the theory of the Anthropocene as well as two literary works in English translation which belong to the literature of the Anthropocene. By working through the theoretical texts, we will become familiar with the basic concepts and problems of Anthropocene research, and by reading works of fiction together, we will learn about the aesthetics of so-called Anthropocene literature. The theoretical texts to be read by Bruno Latour and Eva Horn, as well as the works of fiction by Max Frisch (“Man in the Holocen”, 1979) and Judith Schalansky (“An Inventory of losses”, 2018) will be made available online. The final list of readings will be negotiated with the students in the first seminar session, taking into account language skills and special interests.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Students are expected to actively participate in classes. In this seminar, there will be no short presentations, but special emphasis will be placed on thorough preparation and lively discussion. The written exam or seminar paper is assessed according to the following criteria: structure and clarity of the argument, the skill of using basic concepts; analytical and synthesizing skills.
The Anthropocene Epoch (2019, The Guardian) Geologists Reject Declaration of Anthropocene Epoch (2024, The Guardian) Bruno Latour: Facing Gaia, chap. 1. (On the Instability of the [Notion of] Nature) Bruno Latour: Agency at the Time of the Anthropocene Horn/Bergthaller: The Anthropocene (2019), chap. 4, 5, and 7 (Nature and Culture + The Anthropos + Aesthetics) Eva Horn: Tipping Points. The Anthropocene and Covid-19 (2018) Max Frisch: Man in the Holocene (1979) Judith Schalansky: An Inventory of Losses (2018, chap. Preamble + Preface + Caspian Tiger + Greifswald Harbor)
Ajánlott irodalom
P. K. Haff, Technology as a geological phenomenon: implications for human well-being (2013) Emanuele Coccia, Metamorphoses (2021)

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