Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Bölcsészettudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- BTK Filozófia Intézet
- Kód
- Cím
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 8
- Nyelv
- Oktatás célja
- Tantárgy tartalma
- General aim of the course: The course addresses some topical issues in contemporary philososophy. The sessions will be pre-recorded, with a (non-obligatory) consultation session on the 5th and 12th weeks. Required readings: 1. Introduction; Vincent C. Müller: Ethics of artificial intelligence https://philpapers.org/archive/MLLEOA-5.pdf 2. Thomas Nagel: What is it like to be a bat? https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/iatl/study/ugmodules/humananimalstudies/lectures/32/nagel_bat.pdf 3. Ronald de Sousa: Love and Reasons http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~sousa/LOVE%20REASON%20GOLDIE.pdf 4. Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State, and Utopia (excerpt) https://rintintin.colorado.edu/~vancecd/phil3160/Nozick1.pdf 5. Christine James: Irrationality in Philosophy and Psychology: the moral implications of self-defeating behavior https://philarchive.org/rec/JAMIIP 6. Mid-term test 7. Alfred Mele and Joshua Shepherd: Situationism and Agency file:///C:/Users/Hp/Downloads/SSRN-id2463220.pdf 8. Bernard Williams: Moral Luck https://bibliotecamathom.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/williams_-_moral_luck.pdf 10. Harry Frankfurt: On Bullshit https://www5.csudh.edu/ccauthen/576f12/frankfurt__harry_-_on_bullshit.pdf 11. Anca Gheaus: The Goods of Work (Other Than Money) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299443783_The_Goods_of_Wor k_Other_Than_Money 12. Peter Singer: Famine, Affluence, and Morality http://personal.lse.ac.uk/robert49/teaching/mm/articles/Singer_1972Famine.pdf 13. End-of-term test Grading criteria: Grades are based on two (mid-term and end-of-term) tests about the mandatory readings. The lectures will help process the texts, provide context and elaborate on the topic of the week. Extra material covered by the lectures will not be required for the tests.