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BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Választható angol irodalmi szeminárium - Az itáliai opera és kulturális kontextusa
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Encompassing roughly a hundred years (from the 1640s to the 1740s), the course is designed to initiate students into the rise and fall of the masque, the semi-opera, and the Italian opera in England. Assumptions about the singers (the castrati, in particular) and music itself will be used to understand much of the cultural anxieties of the age.
Tantárgy tartalma
the rise of the opera in Italy the masque tradition in England 1642: Puritan ban on theatres Purcell and the semi-opera the arrival of opera seria in London: musical, theatrical, and cultural implications the Farinelli-phenomenon and the anxieties in its wake The Beggar’s Opera from opera seria to oratorio and pasticcio cultural heritage: a 20th-century revival
Számonkérés és értékelés
Grades are based on class work (attendance, reading, and participation in discussions), two in-class tests and a home-essay. The essay should discuss one particular aspect of the Italian opera, should use at least five critical sources, and be cca. 7 pages long.
Recommended reading: Carter, Tim. Understanding Italian Opera. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Dennis, John. An Essay on the Opera’s After the Italian Manner.  London, 1706. Donohue, Joseph. ed. ”The Theatre from 1660 to 1800”. The Cambridge History of British Theatre, Volume 2 1660-1895. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Gifford, James. ”Dramatic Text, Music Text: Competing Nationalist Styles in Restoration Opera”. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 14.1 (2012): 21– 37. Meredith, Victoria. ”Magic and Majesty: Spirited Choruses in Henry Purcell’s Semi– Operas”. The Choral Journal 36.1 (1995): 9– 17. Milhous, Judith. "The Multimedia Spectacular on the Restoration Stage". in British Theatre and the Other Arts, 1660– 1800. ed. Strum Kenny, Shirley. Washington, D.C.: Associated University Presses, 1984, 41– 66. Price, Curtis A. ”Political allegory in late seventeenth-century English opera”. Music and Theatre: Essays in Honour of Winton Dean. Szerk. Fortune, Nigel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Winton, Calhoun. ”The Beggar’s Opera A case study’”. The Cambridge History of British Theatre. Szerk. Donohue, J. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, 126–144

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