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BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
A középkor és a reneszánsz angol irodalma
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Oktatás célja
The lecture course offers an informative overview of English Literature from the Old English period to the 17th century, while also helping students with interpretation of significant works of each period. Starting from Anglo-Saxon times, prose, and poetry, Middle English literature is treated at length, with special emphasis on Geoffrey Chaucer. The discussion of Tudor poetry and the sonneteering tradition is followed by discussing medieval and Renaissance theatre and drama, with Marlowe’s and Shakespeare’s plays in focus. The course finishes with introducing and analysing Metaphysical Poetry, and the works of John Donne and John Milton.
Tantárgy tartalma
Introducing Medieval studies. Old English prose . Old English poetry. Beowulf and The Dream of the Rood. New themes and forms in Middle English literature, romances and other Middle English genres. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Early Chaucer . Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales . Tudor literature, Tudor poetry . The sonnet and Shakespeare Medieval English drama and Renaissance theatrical conventions; the Renaissance “world-view” Shakespearean comedy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespearean tragedy I: Hamlet, Othello. Shakespearean tragedy II: King Lear, Macbeth .Shakespearean romance: The Tempest . John Donne and the “metaphysical” poets . John Milton
Számonkérés és értékelés
The course will be followed by an oral exam (cf. set texts), based on primary material and the lectures (some of the lecture slides are available under the course material section of this website under the lecturers’ names).
A kötelező olvasmányok négy csoportra oszthatók. Az első kategóriában a kötelezően angolul olvasandó szövegek szerepelnek, a második, részben választható kategóriában az alcsoportokból kell 1-1 szöveget választani. A harmadik kategóriában lévő kötelező műveket angolul vagy magyarul is lehet olvasni. Végül a negyedik kategóriában a javasolt (bónusz) olvasmányok találhatók, melyeket akár angolul akár magyarul lehet olvasni a vizsgán elérendő plusz pontokért. 1. KÖTELEZŐ OLVASMÁNYOK ANGOLUL : Lines 1-52 of Beowulf (in Modern English translation) The Seafarer (in Modern English translation) The Dream of the Rood (in Modern English translation) The “General Prologue” to Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales (in Modern English translation, preferably Nevil Coghill’s) Sir Thomas Wyatt: “Whoso list to hunt...”; “They flee from me...”; “The long love that in my thought doth harbour” Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey “O happy dames...”; “Love that liveth and reigneth in my thought...”; “Wyatt resteth here...”; Sir Philip Sidney: Sonnets 5, 6, 28, 71 from Astrophel and Stella; “Leave me, O Love...”; Edmund Spenser: Sonnets “Like as a huntsman...”; “One day I wrote her name...”; “Lacking my love...”; “Fair is my love...”; “Let not one spark...” from Amoretti William Shakespeare: The Tempest William Shakespeare: from The Sonnets: 12, 15, 55, 71, 75, 81, 94, 97, 116, 130, 138, 144 John Donne: “The Ecstasy” John Donne: “Batter my heart, three personed God...” George Herbert: “Easter Wings” Andrew Marvell: “To His Coy Mistress” John Milton: “When I consider how my light is spent...”; John Milton: “On the Late Massacre in Piedmont” 2. KÖTELEZŐEN VÁLASZTANDÓ OLVASMÁNYOK ANGOLUL (MINDEGYIK ALCSOPORTBÓL EGY, KIVÉVE A C-T, AHOL 3 MESE KÖTELEZŐ) (A): “The story of Caedmon” from Bede’s Ecclesiastical History (in Modern English translation) King Alfred’s “Preface” to the translation of Gregory’s Pastoral Care (in Modern English translation) The Battle of Brunanburh (in Modern English translation) The Battle of Maldon (in Modern English translation) The Wanderer (in Modern English translation) Choose ONE from the following sub-group (B): "Sir Orfeo" (in Modern English translation) "Sir Launfal" (Modern English versions on the net) "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (Marie Boroff's translation in the Norton Anthology) (C): Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (Nevil Coghill's translation in the Penguin Classics edition): "The Miller's Tale" "The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale"; "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale"; "The Nun's Priest's Tale"; "The Franklin's Tale"; (D): The Second Shepherd’s Play (Secunda Pastorum) (in Modern English translation) The York Play of Crucifixion (in Modern translation) Sir Thomas More: from Utopia:“[Marriage Customs]; [Religions]; and [Conclusion]" Edmund Spencer: from The Fairie Queene: “A Letter of the Author” and [Invocation] Francis Bacon: from the Essays: “Of Truth”; Francis Bacon: from Novum Organum: “The Idols” 3. KÖTELEZŐ OLVASMÁNYOK ANGOLUL VAGY MAGYARUL: Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare: Hamlet William Shakespeare: Othello William Shakespeare: King Lear William Shakespeare: Macbeth John Donne: “The Good Morrow” John Donne: “At the round earth’s imagined corners...” George Herbert: “Man” George Herbert: “Time” Andrew Marvell: “The Garden” Andrew Marvell: “A Dialogue Between the Soul and Body” John Milton: from Paradise Lost: "Book 1" 4. BÓNUSZ OLVASMÁNYOK ANGOLUL VAGY MAGYARUL: The entry of 1066 from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Pearl (if in translation, then in Brian Stone’s) Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde Geoffrey Chaucer: further tales from The Canterbury Tales Everyman Edmund Spencer: 1-4 of The First Booke of the Fairies Quenne Sir Philip Sidney: The Defense of Poesie; Thomas Nashe: from Pierce Penniless, His Supplication to the Devil ;“An Inventive Against Enemies of Poetry” and “The Defense of Plays”; William Shakespeare: Richard III William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare: As You Like It William Shakespeare: Henry V William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night William Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida William Shakespeare: Measure for Measure William Shakespeare: The Winter’s Tale John Donne: “Song” John Donne: “The Flea” John Donne: “The Apparition” John Donne: “Hymn to God My God, In My Sickness” John Milton: “To the Lord General Cromwell” AJÁNLOTT OLVASMÁNYOK Introductions to the pieces in The Norton Anthology of English Literature Andrew Sanders: The Short Oxford History of English Literature, 2nd ed., Oxford: OUP, 2000 The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology, Transl, ad introduced by Kevin Crossley-Holland, Oxford: OUP, 2009 A Concise Companion to Chaucer, ed. Corinne Saunders, Blackwell, 2006. Relevant volumes of the Cambridge Companion series 4 The set texts fall into four main groups. In the first one you find texts you have to read by all means in English for the exam. In the second group called ‘Make Your Choice’, you will find various texts in various combinations and you have to pick one or more pieces from each sub-group and read them in English. The third group contains material which is still compulsory but you may read it either in English or in Hungarian. Finally, there is a group called Bonus: from here you may read as many pieces as you like in English or in Hungarian for bonus points at the exam. 1. COMPULSORY TEXTS TO BE READ IN ENGLISH : Lines 1-52 of Beowulf (in Modern English translation) The Seafarer (in Modern English translation) The Dream of the Rood (in Modern English translation) The “General Prologue” to Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales (in Modern English translation, preferably Nevil Coghill’s) Sir Thomas Wyatt: “Whoso list to hunt...”; “They flee from me...”; “The long love that in my thought doth harbour” Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey “O happy dames...”; “Love that liveth and reigneth in my thought...”; “Wyatt resteth here...”; Sir Philip Sidney: Sonnets 5, 6, 28, 71 from Astrophel and Stella; “Leave me, O Love...”; Edmund Spenser: Sonnets “Like as a huntsman...”; “One day I wrote her name...”; “Lacking my love...”; “Fair is my love...”; “Let not one spark...” from Amoretti William Shakespeare: The Tempest William Shakespeare: from The Sonnets: 12, 15, 55, 71, 75, 81, 94, 97, 116, 130, 138, 144 John Donne: “The Ecstasy” John Donne: “Batter my heart, three personed God...” George Herbert: “Easter Wings” Andrew Marvell: “To His Coy Mistress” John Milton: “When I consider how my light is spent...”; John Milton: “On the Late Massacre in Piedmont” 2. MAKE YOUR CHOICE but please read the texts in English: Choose ONE form the following sub-group (A): “The story of Caedmon” from Bede’s Ecclesiastical History (in Modern English translation) King Alfred’s “Preface” to the translation of Gregory’s Pastoral Care (in Modern English translation) The Battle of Brunanburh (in Modern English translation) The Battle of Maldon (in Modern English translation) The Wanderer (in Modern English translation) Choose ONE from the following sub-group (B): "Sir Orfeo" (in Modern English translation) "Sir Launfal" (Modern English versions on the net) "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (Marie Boroff's translation in the Norton Anthology); Choose THREE from the following sub-group (C): Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (Nevil Coghill's translation in the Penguin Classics edition): "The Miller's Tale" "The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale"; "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale"; "The Nun's Priest's Tale"; "The Franklin's Tale"; Choose ONE from the following sub-group (D): The Second Shepherd’s Play (Secunda Pastorum) (in Modern English translation) The York Play of Crucifixion (in Modern translation) Sir Thomas More: from Utopia:“[Marriage Customs]; [Religions]; and [Conclusion]" Edmund Spencer: from The Fairie Queene: “A Letter of the Author” and [Invocation] Francis Bacon: from the Essays: “Of Truth”; Francis Bacon: from Novum Organum: “The Idols” 3. COMPULSORY READING either in English or in Hungarian: Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare: Hamlet William Shakespeare: Othello William Shakespeare: King Lear William Shakespeare: Macbeth John Donne: “The Good Morrow” John Donne: “At the round earth’s imagined corners...” George Herbert: “Man” George Herbert: “Time” Andrew Marvell: “The Garden” Andrew Marvell: “A Dialogue Between the Soul and Body” John Milton: from Paradise Lost: "Book 1" 4. BONUS: for bonus points at the exam, read as many, either in (Modern) English (translation) or in Hungarian, as you wish: The entry of 1066 from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Pearl (if in translation, then in Brian Stone’s) Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde Geoffrey Chaucer: further tales from The Canterbury Tales Everyman Edmund Spencer: 1-4 of The First Booke of the Fairies Quenne Sir Philip Sidney: The Defense of Poesie; Thomas Nashe: from Pierce Penniless, His Supplication to the Devil ;“An Inventive Against Enemies of Poetry” and “The Defense of Plays”; William Shakespeare: Richard III William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare: As You Like It William Shakespeare: Henry V William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night William Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida William Shakespeare: Measure for Measure William Shakespeare: The Winter’s Tale John Donne: “Song” John Donne: “The Flea” John Donne: “The Apparition” John Donne: “Hymn to God My God, In My Sickness” John Milton: “To the Lord General Cromwell” SUGGESTED SECONDARY READINGS Introductions to the pieces in The Norton Anthology of English Literature Andrew Sanders: The Short Oxford History of English Literature, 2nd ed., Oxford: OUP, 2000 The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology, Transl, ad introduced by Kevin Crossley-Holland, Oxford: OUP, 2009 A Concise Companion to Chaucer, ed. Corinne Saunders, Blackwell, 2006. Relevant volumes of the Cambridge Companion series

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