Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Kognitív nyelvészet: Erkölcs és politika kognitív nyelvészeti megközelítésben
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Conservatives and liberals have a different conceptualization of the world and for this reason they have a difficult time understanding what the other’s worldview is. Cognitive Linguistics, as an interdisciplinary approach to the mind, studies how people conceptualize the world, therefore the methodological tools offered by this discipline are very useful to understand and explore social issues. Based on this, the course aims to investigate some important social issues of the USA with the help of the methodological tools of Cognitive Linguistics.
Tantárgy tartalma
In the first half of the course, chapters of George Lakoff’s Moral Politics will be read and discussed, together with a criticism of the lakoffian approach, and in the second half of the semester students will work on some of the so-called the ”hard issues” of American politics (e.g.: social programs and taxes, crime and death penalty, abortion, the culture wars, two models of Christianity, the role of the government), and analyze them in the way Lakoff does in his book.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Regular attendance. Students can miss a maximum of three classes, but they are encouraged to attend each and every class. · Preparation for the classes. Students should be prepared for the classes, which means they need to read the required unit – as designated by the syllabus – in advance, do the homework, be ready to raise relevant questions and provide intelligent comments on the discussed topics. Homework assignments will be given every week, related to the designated reading in the syllabus. In order to complete it, take the following steps: 1. Read the designated chapter(s) for next class (see the syllabus). 2. In relation to this chapter, write down two details that captured you and explain why (the explanation should be about 60 words for each detail). 3. Send the teacher your assignment (two interesting details from each chapter, with explanation) two days in advance (e.g. the Sunday before next class – jszveronika@gmail.com). · Presentations. At the orientation, students will be asked to sign up for a presentation on a selected topic. For the 20-minute-long presentations they are required to prepare a ppt. They also need to find out a creative exercise related to the topic, and lead a discussion about it after the presentation (5-10 minutes).The presentation, together with the exercie, should be sent to the teacher in writing two days in advance. If this is not done, that takes 2 grades off of the grade for their presentation. · A research paper will be due at the end of the study period (May 15). The topic of the paper should be a Cognitive Linguistic analysis of a selected social issue in America. The expected length of the paper is 10-15 pages. · Grading: Grades will be based on the completion of weekly homework assignments and active participation at class discussions (30%), the presentation (30%), and the research paper (40%). If any of the grades on these three components is One/Fail, the overall grade is One/Fail.
Lakoff, George: Moral Politics – How Liberals and Conservatives Think. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2002. Goatly, Andrew: Washing the Brain. Metaphor and Hidden Ideology. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007.

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