Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Angol Nyelvészet Tanszék
CV Phonology and Historical Linguistics II
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
This is an advanced course in CV phonology, second part. This course will question everything you may have known about some of the fundamental notions of standard phonological theory, syllables. It seems they do not exist, or can be seen as derived entities, not as immediate building blocks of phonological representations. To have an appreciation of what the course will try to dismantle with the help of CV phonology we must first have a look at some standard assumptions. To this effect you will have to read (as introductory material) a chapter on syllable structure taken from an advanced course in BA phonology, written by Péter Szigetvári, which functions as our departure point into the unknown. After acquiring the knowledge of CV phonology works and building on these aspects the course envisages to develop those competences that can later be put to use in analysing any (two) language(s), and aid students in deciding for themselves on a formal basis what kind and degree of relationship exists among any number of languages with the help of the following theoretical means: sound changes, establishing sound correspondences (on the basis of place of articulation, manner of articulation, laryngeal features), tendencies in sound changes (lenition, fortition). Another objective of the course is to guide students towards an attitude that will help them approach linguistic reality with a degree of openness that will help them overcome the limits of their previous knowledge and build upon it for further insights. Student will also develop an understanding of autonomy and responsibility: they can reflect upon their own linguistic knowledge and its basis, and responsibly represent their professional and intellectual identity.
Tantárgy tartalma
Appreciating contentious issues in the framework of CV (ad Government) phonology.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Regular attendance, a home paper based on a contentious issue (crux).
Selected chapters from the only existing 'compendium' on CV phonology, by Scheer, Tobias (2004), A Lateral Theory of Phonology, What is CVCV, and why should it be? (Studies in Generative Grammar 68.1), Mouton de Gruyter.

Kurzus szakjai

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