Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Neveléstudományi Intézet
Education Policy and Technology
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a basic framework to understand, create and evaluate educational technology policy at macro, meso and micro levels with special focus on school development, leadership and teacher professional development. During the course, students will examine their own national educational systems through the lense of the implementation of educational technology, identify problems within the systems and develop an educational technology policy document. On the long run, this course contributes to the development of educational professionals who will be able to transform educational institutions and systems to better serve the needs of the knowledge society by becoming more effective and efficient in developing 21st century skills.
Tantárgy tartalma
Major topics: Global and international trends and developments in education with a focus on educational technology 2. Educational technology policy: OECD Innovative Learning Environments, World Bank SABER-ICT National Educational Technology Policies, ISTE Standards 3. Preparing teachers and developing school leaders for the 21st Century: 21st century skills, school as learning organization, leading learning schools, Professional Learning Communities 4. Supporting innovation and fostering the implementation of top-down and bottom-up initiatives in education
Számonkérés és értékelés
Requirements, type and aspects of evaluation Each of the following assignments will be given a grade and weighted as follows: Assessment of own national education system based on the OECD ILE indicators (10%) Project plan (5%) Policy report (50%) Policy report evaluation (20%) Project report (15%) Through the semester the different milestones and interim products will be assessed by formative evaluation tools and receive feedback from the teacher and peers as well. The final assessment will contain the evaluation of peers (policy report evaluation) and the reflection of the teacher on the policy report on the group level and final grade will be given on the group level as well (with the option for the project team to request for another option). Course grades: 5 (100-90%), 4 (90-80%), 3 (80-70%), 2 (70-60%), 1 (below 60%)
Kools, M. and Stool, L. (2016): What makes a School a Learning Organization? OECD Education Working Papers, No. 137, Paris, Framnce: OECD Publishing. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5jlwm62b3bvh-en OECD (2013): Innovative Learning Environments. Paris, France: OECD Publishing. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264203488-en OECD (2013): Leadership for 21st Century Learning. Paris, France: OECD Publishing. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264205406-en OECD (2015): Schooling Redesigned. Towards Innovative Learning Systems. Paris: OECD Publishing. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264245914-en OECD (2017): The OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments. Paris: OECD Publishing. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264277274-en Schleicher, A. (2012, ed.): Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century: Lessons from around the World. Paris: OECD Publishing. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264174559-en Trucano, M. (2016): SABER-ICT Framework Paper for Policy Analysis. Documenting national educational technology policies around the world and their evolution over time. World Bank Education, Technology & Innovation: SABER-ICT Technical Paper Series (#01). Washington DC: The World Bank. Available: http://wbgfiles.worldbank.org/documents/hdn/ed/saber/supporting_doc/Background/ICT/112899-WP-SABER-ICTframework-SABER-ICTno01.pdf

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