Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar
TÓK Idegen Nyelvi és Irodalmi Tanszék
A kétnyelvi óvodai foglalkozások módszertana - vizuális nevelés
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Oktatás célja
The student further deepens their linguistic foundation and acquires the necessary knowledge required to conduct visual education sessions in English. Throughout the course, the focus is on acquiring and developing bilingual competencies associated with the subject matter and language pedagogy necessary for conducting sessions successfully. The student will familiarize themselves with the indispensable linguistic basis for visual education in English, including: Professional fundamental concepts. Specifics of visual development and enhancement in preschool children Conducting art activities Visual education tools and their application in preschool Moreover, the student will assist in fostering the language development of preschool children by understanding their language acquisition specifics and considering these aspects in line with the developmental activities in visual education. Overall, this course aims to equip the student with comprehensive knowledge related to the English-based essentials of visual education and language pedagogical approaches. This training will enable them to effectively carry out sessions catering to preschool children, emphasizing the significance and interrelation of both visual education and language development
Tantárgy tartalma
Content of the Course: During the semester, students develop all the methodological competences necessary for visual education in English and acquire the language base essential for visual education in English through the processing of the following topics: Acquisition of English specialized terminology related to theoretical aspects (historical, genre-specific, semiotic) of visual arts; the formative role of visual arts in shaping personality; familiarization with materials, techniques, and linguistic tools in English. Learning visual arts-related tools, techniques, and concepts in the English language within the context of visual education.
Számonkérés és értékelés
REQUIREMENTS: Proof of factual knowledge of the material covered during the semester (successful completion of 1 indoor paper - min. 60%), presentation of acquired methodological knowledge in the form of microteaching, presentation of appropriate level of individual student work (homework - lesson plans and lesson analyses), Poster presentation, Course portfolio. Form of Assessment/Grade: Practice mark (five-point evaluation, where 5 is excellent, 1 is fail) 
Compulsory Literature: Althouse, R., Johnson, M.H. & Mitchell, S.T. (2003). Colours of learning. Integrating the visual arts into t he early childhood curriculum. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Barbe-Gall, F. (2005). How to talk to children about art. Frances Lincoln Limited. Dodne, D.T. & Colker, L.J. (2002). The Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood. Teaching Strategies Inc. Tereni, L. (2010). A history of visual art education in early childhood education in New Zealand: Looking backwards to go forwards. International Art in Early childhood Research Journal, 2(1) Wright, A. (2001). Art and Crafts with Children. Oxford University Press.

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