Courses for international guest/part time students



... Title (code) Usual Published ECTS Lang. ...
Ball Geometry (ERA12E) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 hu
Ball Geometry II. (KB19-05M05) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 hu
Civilisation of the English speaking countries (ERA22E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (ERA64E) Spring 2024/25/1 4 en
Didaktik der Sportbeschäftigungen für KiTa-Pädagogen (ERA43E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 de
English Children's Games (SZABV57) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 en
English Children’s Literature 1 (ERA06E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
English Children’s Literature 1 (ERA53E) Spring 4 en
English Children's Literature 2 (ERA52E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
English Language Preparation for English-Hungarian Bilingual Education 1 (TN01KS01) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
English Language Preparation for English-Hungarian Bilingual Education 2 (TN01KS02) Spring 2024/25/2 2 en
English-Language Literature (SZABV19-01-02) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 en
Hungarian as a foreign language I (SZABV19-00-1) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 hu
Intercultural communication (SZABV23-1) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 3 en
Kindergartenpraktikum I (ERA13E) Both 2024/25/1 4 de
Kinderliteratur I (ERA23E) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 de
Language Development Through Literature 2 (ERA59E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
Literatur der deutschsprachigen Länder I (ERA29E) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 de
Methodik des Unterrichtes DaF/DaZ II. (ERA62E) Spring 2024/25/2 4 de
Methodik Music / Nationalitätenkindergärtner (ERA16E) Spring 2024/25/2 4 de
Methodik/Sachkunde Nationalitäenklassen (ERA60E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 de
Methodology of Bilingual Pre-School Session: Physical Education (ERA09E) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 en
Methodology of Bilingual Pre-School Session: Visual Education (ERA08E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
Music Education in English in Pre-School Settings (ERA35E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
Nationalitätenkunde - Volkskunde I. für werdene Kindergärtnerinnen (ERA38E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 de
Nationalitätenkunde I (ERA26E) Spring 2024/25/2 4 de
Pedagogy and innovation: From early childhood to lower primary (SZABV22-04-01) Spring 2024/25/1, 2024/25/2 4 en
Phonetics and Pronunciation Development (ERA36E) Spring 2024/25/2 4 en
Research Methods in English (SZABV19-01-04) Spring 2024/25/2 3 en
Science Education in English in Pre-School Settings (ERA34E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en
The Methodology of Bilingual Education - Music Education (TN01KS05) Spring 2024/25/2 3 en
The Methodology of Bilingual Education - Physical Education (TN01KS04) Autumn 2024/25/1 1 en
Theory and practice of bilingual education Observation in kindergarten with English language programme (ERA10E) Spring 2024/25/2 4 en
Theory and Practice of Bilingualism (ERA42E) Autumn 2024/25/1 4 en

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