Course for international guest/part time students

Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Education
TÓK Department of Foreign Language and Literature
Music Education in English in Pre-School Settings
Usual semester
Published semester
Learning outcomes
Course objectives: to teach and learn  all the knowledge in English that is necessary for conducting singing and music sessions in English, and for the student to acquire and obtain  a skill level of all the competencies related to the subject and the work of language pedagogy, which contribute to the successful transfer of knowledge.
Course content
Content of the Course: During the semester, students develop all the methodological competences necessary for singing and music education in English. They acquire the language base essential for singing and music education in English through the processing of the following topics: the professional language of music; English children's songs, children's play songs, folk songs and dance songs, as well as melodically and rhythmically more complex monophonic art songs; learning (in English) the musical vocabulary of rhythmic and melodic material related to songs, chords, intervals and their application in class, creative English music games.
Assessment method
REQUIREMENTS: Proof of factual knowledge of the material covered during the semester (successful completion of 1 indoor paper - min. 60%), presentation of acquired methodological knowledge in the form of microteaching, presentation of appropriate level of individual student work (homework - lesson plans and lesson analyses). Poster presentation, Course Portfolio. Learning 50 songs. Form of Assessment/Grade:Practice mark (five-point evaluation, where 5 is excellent, 1 is fail).
Compulsory readings: 1. Gállné Gróh, I. & Kismartony, K. (2006). My first Bilingual Song Book. Konsept-H, Budapest. 2. Graham, C. (2002). Children’s Jazz Chants Old and New: Student Book. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 3. Graham, C. (2006). Creating Chants and Songs. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 4. Hooper, C. (2004). The Usborne Nursery Rhyme Songbook. Usborne Publishing, London. 5. Paterson, A. & Willis, J. (2008). Oxford Basics for Children – English Through Music. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Programmes of the course

Title (code) Lang. Level Mandatory Year ...
Erasmus Programme (TÓK-ERASMUS-NXXX) hu