Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
Theory of Science
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Goals of the subject Students become able to deeply understand the basic elements of the scientific method, acquire the basic competencies needed to cultivate science, and will be able to distinguish between true scientific and non-scientific publications and knowledge. They also have the ability to provide conditions needed to cultivate science. Learning outcomes and competences Knowledge: ·        Knowing the different interpretations of science. ·        Knowing the strengths, limitations and usability of different measurement tools and methods. ·        Knowing the different forms of scientific utterance: lecture, presentation, poster and publication.  Attitude: In the processes of understanding, a critical thinking and an attempt to analyze are typical. In he students’ professional communication they strive to act according to the norms. A value-based approach is typical, focusing on work as a creative activity. Skills: To be able to deeply understand the basic elements of the scientific method and be able to distinguish between true scientific and non-scientific publications and knowledge. To be able to produce an independent, professional scientific analysis on their own field. To be capable of effective written and oral communication, presenting the results of their work, and defending them in debate.
Tantárgy tartalma
Main content and thematic units During the course, students will learn about different interpretations of science, especially as a way of cognition and other ways of getting acquainted with it. They will learn the gist of their interpretation as method, strengths, limitations, quality assurance methods (scientometrics), and various measurement tools and methods. Students will process the main elements of the scientific method: observation, experiment, reliability, consistency, validity. They will get a picture of the methods of cultivating science and providing conditions: lecture, publication and writing an application. They become acquainted with the basic thinking of the distinction between true and pseudoscience. Planned learning activities and teaching methods Lecture
Számonkérés és értékelés
Requirements, methods and aspects of assessment: Method of evaluation:  exam Aspects of evaluation: Colloquium based on the item list.
Dienes, Z. (2008): Understanding psychology as a science. Palgrave. ISBN 9780230542303

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