Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
- Szervezet
- PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
- Kód
- HRCM21-105
- Cím
- Economics I.
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 2
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- Short description of the course The course provides an introduction to the colorful and exciting world of economics. By exploring the fundamental ways of economic thinking, students will gradually learn the most important concepts, principles, and approaches of the subject. The main focus is on presenting, understanding, and modelling some basic economic problems for those who have not learnt economics before. In the first semester, we will study microeconomics, which examines processes from the point of view of the individual actors.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Course outline Part One: Introduction Week 1: Economics as a social science Week 2: Ten principles of economics. Thinking like an economist Week 3: Interdependence and the gains from trade Part Two: How markets work? Week 4: The market forces of supply and demand Week 5: Elasticity and its Applications Week 6: Supply, demand, and government policies Part Three: Markets, welafare, and the economics of the public sector Week 7: Consumers, producers and the efficiency of markets Week 8: Externalities, public goods, and common resources Part Four: Firm behavior, the organization of industry, and topics for further study Week 9: The costs of production, firms in competitive markets Week 10: Monopoly Week 11: Economics of information, game theory Week 12: Final exam
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Exam Final, closed book, written exam in the last week of the study period for 80 points. Grading 0-39 points: fail (1); 40-49 points: pass (2); 50-59 points: satisfactory (3); 60-69 points: good (4); 70-80 points: excellent (5)
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Textbook N. Gregory Mankiw: Principles of Economics, Ninth Edtion, Cengage Learning, Inc., Boston MA, 2021 (previous editions are equally good).
Kurzus szakjai
Név (kód) | Nyelv | Szint | Kötelező | Tanév | ... |
emberi erőforrás tanácsadó (PPK-HRC-NMEN) | en | 7 | Kötelező | 1/2 | |
Erasmus program keretében (PPK-ERASMUS-NXXX) | en | Kötelező |