Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The course objective is to present a comprehensive overview of the organizational communication, highlighting those functions and specialities the knowledge of which is essential for the successful operation of an HR specialist. The main topics of the course are based on the up-to-date theoretical knowledge of the field of organizational and strategic communication, the expected reflective activities support students in clear understanding and interpreting the basic concepts and theories of communication. Results and acquired competencies Knowledge: the students recognize the different patterns of organizational communication and interpret effectively through various theoretical models students are familiar with the elements and conditions of effective and successful communication in different communication situations, such as conflict management, change management, crisis situation students possess an extensive knowledge of individual and group communication strategies and techniques Abilities: students strive to behave in accordance with organizational norms in its professional communication students try to handle different communication situations with social sensitivity Attitude: students are able to recognize the connections between organizational culture and patterns of communication, to acknowledge the cultural specificity of the emerging communication and to manage their own professional communication accordingly students are able to form well-founded decisions about strategic management of communication processes, the steps and tasks of implementation and are able to justify their decision with professional arguments students are able to recognize the role and importance of using various communication channels and technological tools, accurately identify its impact on organizational and personality development Autonomy, responsibility: has the need for continuous self-development, contributes to its own effectiveness by synthesizing its professional knowledge. consciously represents the professional ethical norms and expects them from others
Tantárgy tartalma
The content of the course covers the up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge of organizational communication, as well as presents the communication peculiarities of various situations arising from different organizational activities, those processes and elements of communication that support successful operation. Along the topics, the responsibilities, and tasks in which the HR specialist can play a role are constantly highlighted. Major topics: The concept of organizational communication, The main theories of organizational communication, historical dimension of its evolution The connection between organizational culture and communication Theory and practice of strategic communication Mediation and conflict management, crisis communication Ethical issues in organizational communication Change management and communication Group and individual communication strategies and techniques Organizational communication and technology The function, elements and features of non-violent communication
Számonkérés és értékelés
The evaluation is carried out with a continuous examination (HKR § 67 1 (e)). Students have to write essays on different topics in order to support their critical understandings of the material. Students report their knowledge in a written exam compiled from the material of the lectures during the examination period. The instructor determines the grade based on the fulfilment of the two types of requirements.
Eisenberg, Eric – Trethewey, Angela – LeGreco, Marianne – Goodall Jr., (2016): Organizational communication: balancing creativity and constraint. Bedford/St. Martin's. LaBelle, Sarah - Waldeck, Jennifer(2020) : Strategic communication for Organizations.University of Californai Press.

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