Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
Organization Development
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the framework, main trends and methods of organizational development. The aim is to provide students with a theoretical background in the process of behavioral science organizational development, its content, steps, as well as the opportunities and limitations of the development process, the results and the ultimate goal of organizational development. Along the theoretical framework, students are given practical tools and methods for carrying out an organizational development process. During the course, organizational diagnostic methods will have a special role. Students will gain an insight into the role of the organizational development consultant, the consultant-client relationship, and the consultant competencies and roles. Results and acquired competencies: Knowledge: • Is aware of the concepts and principles of organizational development. • Knows and is able to interpret approaches to organizational development. • Is aware of the organizational development process and its application possibilities. • Is familiar with the most important market trends that influence organizational development processes. • Is aware of the nature of systems, their life cycle, and its organizational implications. Attitude: • Shows the need for a system-wide approach, solution-oriented thinking, openness of relationships and communication, empathy and tolerance. • Can apply systems thinking. • Can effectively cooperate with representatives of the partner profession and leaders of organizations. • Can commit to the integrative application of multiple trends. Abilities: • Is able to present different trends in organizational development, to describe the advantages and disadvantages, and to identify the proposed areas of application. • Is able to review organizational development processes. • Is able to look at organizations holistically, at the system level. • Has situation analysis, problem solving ability. • Has diagnostic ability. • Is able to look at organizations holistically, at the system level. Autonomy, responsibility: • Students have the need for continuous self-development, consciously look for organizational and individual forms of learning, based on their internal motivation they continuously use the possibility of non-formal learning, as a result of which their professional interest deepens. • Students feel a responsibility to teammates during teamwork, contributing to the effectiveness of the team by synthesizing their professional knowledge.
Tantárgy tartalma
Major topics: 1. History, definition, content of organizational development 2. The most important basic values of organizational development 3. The purpose and most important characteristics of organizational development 4. The relationship between organizational development and change 5. The corporate life cycle model and organizational development tasks between the individual life cycle elements 6. Specifics of the organizational development advisory role 7. The process of organizational development (entry, contracting, data collection, diagnosis, feedback, planning and implementation of interventions) 8. Organizational diagnostic tools, methods. The model of organizational autonomy 9. System dynamics as a basis for organizational analysis and development 10. Practical application of organizational dynamics 11. The ultimate goal, result and success criteria of organizational development Learning activities, learning methods: seminar The first half of the seminar is an instructor lecture to help process the practical case study. The second half of the seminar is individual and small group work - case study processing, its analysis.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: The course is based on continuous assessment [HKR § 67 1 (e)]. During the semester, the student reports on his / her knowledge by completing the tasks defined below, and the instructor determines the grade based on this. The evaluation is a five-level rating. The course requirement consists of two parts: 1. Compulsory participation in the seminar based on the guidelines of the HKR, active participation in small group work. The HKR guidelines for absences apply. 2. Solving the task blocks of the published case study and preparing a written final study / consultant report in groups of 3 people.
1. John V. Gallos (2006). Organization Development, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, United States 2. Thomas G. Cummings (2008). Handbook of Organizational Development. SAGE Publications.

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