Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
Human Resource Management Functions - seminar
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Students will get to know the activities related to human resources, the organizational function of human management, and be aware of the methodological possibilities associated with human resource management. The aim of the course is to enable students to select and apply the most appropriate practical solution for a given human resource management task. The course reviews the methods that can be applied in human resource management with practical examples and case studies, related to the theoretical approach learned in the lecture. Results and acquired competencies: Knowledge: • Knows the relationships between resources, factors and phenomena, the rules and laws of resource use. • Has in-depth knowledge of the tasks and methods of human resource management. • Knows the functions of human resource management, the basics of workforce management. • Knows the methods of recruitment and selection, their application possibilities. • Is aware of the importance of organizational training and development in organizational efficiency. • Knows the techniques and forms of incentive and remuneration. • Knows the forms and methods of performance appraisal. • Is aware of the possibilities of ICT support for human resource management Attitude: • Strives to manifest itself in professional communication in accordance with the norms. • Is characterized by critical thinking and striving for analysis while understanding the processes. In applying his knowledge, he is characterized by empathy, tolerance, flexibility, and creativity. • Is characterized by a value-based approach, with a focus on work as a creative and creative activity. • Is characterized by being free from prejudice, having a high level of social sensitivity, and a need for reconciling individual, organizational and social interests. Abilities: • Is able to take part in the resource management tasks of organizations, to use the acquired professional knowledge in accordance with the expectations, to carry out planning, development and support activities in the field of recruitment, employee selection and incentives of the HRM areas. • Is able to understand the nature of organizational processes, external-internal relations, relationship with human resource management. • Is able to use, interpret and process Hungarian and foreign language publication sources in the field of consulting and human resource management. • Is able to identify human resource problems in organizations, identify methodologies, and develop action and timeline solutions. • Is able to find acceptable and feasible projects for the organization in the field of human resource management, to develop and manage tenders, to cooperate effectively with partners Autonomy, responsibility: • Students have the need for continuous self-development, consciously look for organizational and individual forms of learning, based on their internal motivation they continuously use the possibility of non-formal learning, as a result of which their professional interest deepens. • Students feel a responsibility to teammates during teamwork, contributing to the effectiveness of the team by synthesizing their professional knowledge.
Tantárgy tartalma
Major topics: • Types and actors of human resource management • Corporate strategy, human resource strategy creation process and its conditions • Job and competence analysis, methodological issues of job planning • Recruitment and selection techniques • Planning, organizing and conducting onboarding and orientation programs • Tools for development and retention • Planning employee trainings and staff development methodology • Possibilities and techniques of performance evaluation • Design and development of incentive and remuneration systems • ICT in human resource management Learning activities, learning methods: seminar Processing of practical case studies. The development of competencies and attitudes is realized through individual and small group work within the framework of the seminars. Students will process a corporate case study as part of the course and practice the SHRM methodology through it.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: The evaluation is carried out on a continuous basis (HKR § 67 1 (e)). During the semester, the student reports on his / her knowledge by performing the tasks defined below, and the instructor determines the final grade based on this. The evaluation is a five-level rating. The course requirement consists of three parts: • Compulsory participation in the seminar based on the guidelines of the HKR, active participation in small group work. The HKR guidelines for absences apply. • Selection of one element of the HRM functions - written paper to be submitted through the presentation of the activities of an organization • Solving the task blocks of the published case study and preparing a written final study in small groups
1. Chalofsky, NE, Rocco, TS, Morris, ML (szerk, 2014). Handbook of Human Resource Development. New Jersey, USA: Wiley. 2. Armstrong, M, Taylor, S (2014). Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Kogan Page, London.

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