Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
Self-awareness training
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The objective of the course can be defined as creating and reinforcing group cohesion based on self-knowledge and personality development achieved by various individual and group exercises. Other main objective of the course is the improvement of non-verbal and verbal skills and competencies of the students, that can enhance efficiency of social behaviour and connectedness. During the course, participants will have the opportunity to empathically understand their personal manifestations and to experience its impact on others. Results and acquired competencies Knowledge: ·        recognizes the possible personality traits behind personal and peer behaviour ·        recognizes and accepts his / her own strengths and weaknesses, possible problems that arise in his / her interpersonal relationships Abilities: ·        is able to gather information about herself and about teammates, to communicate honestly and openly according to his / her current emotional state ·        is able to participate actively in group task solutions, and able to adapt to group rules ·        is able to recognize and express his / her feelings according to the situation, showing sensitivity and empathy in communication Attitude: ·        possess deliberate self-knowledge, realistic self-assessment ·        is characterized by empathy, tolerance, flexibility, and creativity in the application of her/his knowledge Autonomy, responsibility: ·        possess the need for continuous self-development, consciously seeks organizational and individual forms of development ·        feels responsible for teammates in teamwork, contributes to effectiveness by synthesizing his / her professional knowledge
Tantárgy tartalma
The course is accomplished mainly through skills development exercises, which lead to the formation of group cohesion through the enrichment of self-knowledge and offering a deeper understanding of nonverbal and verbal skills with the help of various group task solutions. Major topics: ·        Self-esteem, self-evaluation - recognizing strengths and weaknesses ·        Personality typologies ·        Expression of emotions and non-verbality ·        Recognition and assumption of individual patterns of behaviour ·        Interpersonal skills - communication styles ·        Roles in the group - collaboration in a group
Számonkérés és értékelés
Requirements for completing the course: active participation in classes, writing a reflective diary after each session, which reflects the experiences gathered during the training.
·        Pease, B. – Pease, A. (2006): The definitive book of body language. Bantam Press. ·        Pasick, R. – Grejling, D. (2016): Self-aware: a guide for succes in work and life. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ·        Goleman, D. (2005): Emotional intelligence. Bantam Press.

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