Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Felnőttképzés-kutatási és Tudásmenedzsment Intézet
Organizational Learning and Knowlege management
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The course aims to analyze and discuss interrelations of organizational learning and knowledge management int he context of knowledge society.  The main questions of this inquiry are as follows: how can knowledge creation be supported in and beyond the organization, how can tacit knowledge be made explicit, and what methodologies and tools are needed. Results and acquired competencies Knowledge: • Demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts and issues in organizational learning theory and knowledge management. • Understand and explain different concepts related to knowledge (tacit vs. explicit, data, vs. information vs. knowledge) and their implications for knowledge management initiatives. Abilities: • Ability to describe how different organizations have implemented knowledge management strategies and what they have learned in terms of what works and what doesn’t work; recognize the factors that affect the success or failure of knowledge management initiatives. • Ability to apply organizational learning theory and knowledge management concepts to prepare authentic projects and tasks in and beyond the course. Attitude: • Willingness to recognize issues and solve problems around organizational learning and knowledge management in an organizational context. • Openness towards group collaboration. Autonomy, responsibility: • Ability to reflect individually on empirical case studies. • Willingness and autonomy to develop their research skills needed for data collection and analysis needed for a knowledge management strategy.
Tantárgy tartalma
Major topics: Organizational Learning versus The Learning Organization Individual Learning, Group Learning and Organizational Learning: the evolution of theoretical frameworks toward a Systems View Organizational Memory and Organizational Learning The Role of Leaders in Creating a Learning Organization Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management The Knowledge Management Cycle Knowledge Management Models: Knowledge Capture and Codification: Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice Knowledge Application: The Role of Organizational Culture: Knowledge Management Tools: Knowledge Management Strategy: The Knowledge Management Team:
Számonkérés és értékelés
The courses uses continuous assessment (type ‘C’) (See ELTE Organizational and Operational Regulations. Academic Regulations for Students. Section 67, Point 1 /e), therefore in-class participation will be incentivized and rewarded.
Dalkir, K. (2017). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice. Third Edition. Boston, MA: MIT Press. Milton, N. & Lambe, P. (2016). The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook: A step-by-step guide to embedding effective knowledge management in your organization. Kogan Page Limited. Peter M. Senge. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization. Crown Business. 1994. Marquardt, M. J. (2011). Building the Learning Organization: Achieving Strategic Advantage Through a Commitment to Learning. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

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