Course for international guest/part time students

Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Education
TÓK Department of Foreign Language and Literature
English-Language Literature
Usual semester
Published semester
Aim of Education: The aim of the course is to gain insight into the literary activities of authors belonging to various minority groups in English literature, focusing on the duality of identity arising from marginalization, language usage and behavioral phenomena related to bilingualism and multilingualism, conflicts between majority and minority groups, and the role of schools in compiling and sustaining literary canons. The course also aims to familiarize students with English-speaking cultures, placing them in the European and international context. Students will be prepared to analyze, interpret, and convey the content of literary texts (such as narratives, various types of verse, plays, and text types related to life writing). The course also aims to convey the values of English-speaking cultures with a multicultural perspective and foster a critical mindset. Knowledge: - Familiarity with various literature teaching methods, procedures, techniques, as well as different types of texts and tasks, which are applied for personal and methodological development. - Acquisition of linguistic foundations of literature, culture, and history vocabulary. - Identification of types of bilingualism and bilingual education. - Conveyance of essential knowledge about English-speaking cultures as content-based knowledge. - Knowledge of phonetic-phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and discourse-level features of contemporary English language and their interrelations. - Significant autonomy in formulating, developing, and representing professional issues related to literature teaching and students in minority situations. - Familiarity with the main forums of literary life (journals, publishers, book events, libraries, podcasts, YouTube channels) and their role in publishing, supporting, and conveying literature. - Awareness of the diverse needs of learners with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and adaptation of teaching methods accordingly. - Adequate knowledge of the role of reflective thinking in professional development and opportunities for professional development. Skills: - Ability to generate and maintain interest in English-speaking culture. - Possession of personal historical perspectives and knowledge to incorporate into language teaching. - Effective application of knowledge according to literature teaching objectives to develop students" competencies. - Effective integration of subject-specific, methodological, learning theoretical, and curricular knowledge. - Application of critical thinking to analyze various literary texts and cultural products, form independent opinions in discussing historical, social, and literary issues. - Application and effective communication of knowledge in practice to students. - Openness to feedback from the environment for self-awareness and personal development, reflecting on the impact of one"s activities on others and striving for modification and continuous improvement of professional competence. Attitude: - Characterized by accepting thinking, consciously conveyed during pedagogical work, committed to both intercultural and national values. - Characterized by respect for moral norms. - Consideration of the characteristics of learners. - Aims to develop the ability for knowledge-based, deliberative thinking in oneself and students. - Regards continuous development of students" knowledge, skills, and abilities as important. Autonomy, Responsibility: - Ability to independently use learned knowledge, applying specialized language expressions proficiently. - Conscious representation and dissemination of the English language, literature, and culture, taking responsibility for it. - Striving for continuous linguistic and professional development by evaluating one"s own activities. Education Content: - Overview of various areas of literature and culture: Through studying texts, visual, and film materials, students gain insight into the historical and social background of English-language works, become acquainted with major figures, trends, and characteristic cultural customs and traditions. Methodological elements conveying a multicultural perspective are integrated into the teaching, expanding the toolkit of critical pedagogy. Assessment and Evaluation System: - Proficiency in situational communication is demonstrated through active participation in class; assessment of high-quality monologic speaking skills is done through presentation; writing an exam/essay demonstrates advanced written expressive skills. Required Reading: 1. Achebe, C. Things Fall Apart. Penguin Books. 2. Angelou, M. (1969). I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House. 3. Cisneros, S. (1992). Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories. Vintage Books. 4. Erdrich, L. (1984). Love Medicine. Harper Collins. 5. Kempe, M. (1985). The Book of Margery Kempe. Penguin Books. 6. Kimmerer, R. W. (2013). Braiding Sweetgrass. Penguin Books. 7. Rodriguez, A. (1992). The Boy Without a Flag: Tales of South Bronx. Milkweed Edition. 8. Tan, A. (1986). The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Books.
Learning outcomes
A kurzus célja az angol nyelvű irodalom különböző kisebbségi csoportjaihoz tartozó szerzőinek szépirodalmi tevékenységén keresztül betekintést nyerni a marginalizáció léthelyzetéből adódó kettős identitással, a két-, illetve többnyelvűséghez kötődő nyelvhasználati és viselkedésbeli jelenségeivel, a többségi-kisebbségi közötti konfliktushelyzetekkel, és az iskola szerepével az irodalmi kánon összeállításában és fennmaradásában. A kurzus célja az angol nyelvű kultúráknak a megismerése, elhelyezése az európai és nemzetközi környezetben. A hallgatók felkészítése az irodalmi szövegek (elbeszélések, különböző verstípusok, színdarabok, és a life writinghez tartozó szövegtípusok) elemzésére, feldolgozására, ezek tartalmának közvetítésére. Az angol nyelvű kultúrák értékeinek multikulturális beágyazottságú átadása. A kritikai szemléletmód kialakítása.
Course content
Áttekintés az irodalom és a kultúra különböző területeiről: A hallgatók szövegek és képi-, valamint film-anyagok tanulmányozása során bepillantást nyernek az angol nyelvű művek történelmi és társadalmi háttérébe, megismerkednek fő alakjaival; irányzataival; jellemző kulturális szokásaival és hagyományaival. Az oktatás során multikulturális szemléletet közvetítő módszertani elemekkel bővítik kritikapedagógiai eszköztárukat.
Assessment method
A szituatív kommunikációs helyzetekben való megfelelő jártasságot a kurzus óráin való aktív részvétellel teljesíti a hallgató; a színvonalas monologikus beszédkészség értékelése referátum megtartásával történik; a zárthelyi dolgozat/házi dolgozat megírásakor fejlett írásbeli kifejezőkészségéről tesz bizonyságot.
Kötelező irodalom: Achebe, C. Things fall apart. Penguin Books. Angelou, M. (1969). I know why the caged bird sings. Random House. Cisneros, S. (1992). Woman hollering creek and other stories. Vintage Books. Erdrich, L. (1984). Love medicine. Harper Collins. Kempe, M. (1985). The book of Margery Kempe. Penguin Books. Kimmerer, R. W. (2013). Braiding sweetgrass. Penguin Books. Rodriguez, A. (1992). The boy without a flag: Tales of South Bronx. Milkweed Edition. Tan, A. (1986). The joy luck club. Vintage Books.

Programmes of the course

Title (code) Lang. Level Mandatory Year ...
Erasmus Programme (TÓK-ERASMUS-NXXX) hu