Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Nemzetközi és Európai Tanulmányok Tanszék
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
We are excited to announce a unique opportunity to engage in experimental project-based learning of community building in student mobility. Post-Covid contemporary societies and communities face the diverse impacts of digitalisation and the growing dominance of social media. Vanishing cohesion and solidarity erodes communities and challenges interpersonal relations. Especially youth in higher education may experience such phenomena. Community building is as needed as it requires skills and boldness. The project focuses primarily on the context of international students’ community integration. Our course aims to provide skills and experience in purpose-oriented community-building practices and answer the following challenging questions. How to develop a community-building strategy? How to motivate active participation? What are the ways of establishing effective and peaceful communication? Using a project-based approach, students will learn to identify issues, actions, and common problems that potentially mobilise people. And with the same method, we will acquire techniques to strengthen community cohesion. The courses will also offer insights into training methods, project building and management practices. Drafting advocacy strategies and policy recommendations is also part of the curriculum.
Tantárgy tartalma
Session 1. Self-reflection tools. Peaceful communication: interpersonal and community Session 2. Peaceful communication: interpersonal and community Session 3. Teambuilding challenges in an intercultural environment. Moving from confusion towards understanding Session 4. Team-building technics, tools of gamification. (Participatory theatre, world café method, LEGO, “Zoom”) Session 5. Team-building technics, tools of gamification. (Participatory theatre, world café method, LEGO, “Zoom”) Session 6. Identifying potential obstacles in community building Session 7. Conceptualisation and strategy building (including swot). Goals, impact, sustainability Session 8. Conceptualisation and strategy building (including swot). Goals, impact, sustainability Session 9. Action plans and project implementation Session 10. Action plans and project implementation Session 11. Action plans and project implementation Session 12. Action plans and project implementation
Számonkérés és értékelés
The seminar’s grading will reflect on the active participation of students. Attendance and potential absence are required according to the existing regulations of the university. The lecturers are from the Hungarian NGO sector and devoted experts in migration and integration-related topics. They have relevant experience in implementing EU-funded academic and service projects, as well as in cooperating with the corporate sector.

Kurzus szakjai

Név (kód) Nyelv Szint Kötelező Tanév ...
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