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BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Irodalmi szövegolvasás 1.: 1922 emlékezete: a modernista fordulat hosszú árnyéka a brit társadalomban és kultúrában
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Oktatás célja
The aim of the course is to introduce the defining literary, historical, cultural, political, educational and moral legacies of the post-First World War milieu in Britain, the United States as well as Continental Europe with special reference to the modernist turn in art. A) Knowledge The course requires as its prerequisite a basic understanding of the history of early twentieth century Europe, the United States and the colonial empires. Course work builds on this understanding to develop a much more nuanced picture of the artistic and social milieu and long-term influence of the 1920s. B) Skills Students acquire the skills, including new terminology, to critically interpret a broad spectrum of the post-First World War cultural phenomena of the English-speaking world in an inter- and multidisciplinary context. C) Attitudes Students accept the cultural, social and political contexts, paradigms and attitudes that are similar to, as well as those that are different from, their own. They acquire the ability to associate, compare, successfully mobilize and apply the contexts studied during the course. D) Autonomy and responsibility Students will be able to make independent decisions in the artistic, social and political environments, contexts and situations that may be associated with the knowledge and skills acquired by studying this subject area. They will be able express articulated, independent, balanced and well-informed views and arguments regarding the subject area reflecting a progressive and ethically responsible value system.
Tantárgy tartalma
In this centenary decade of the 1920s, dozens of books, articles appear and films are made to evoke, commemorate, reinterpret and often re-evaluate the post-war eruption of the modernist era in European art. The effects of the Great War on literary and visual artists were inescapable. Yet, the nature and mechanism of this influence is still a matter of debate. So is the longevity of modernist art. While celebrating these works 100 years on, do we still cherish them, comprehend them for what they tell us now or what they were at the time of their inception? Or are we more baffled by them and alienated from them now than some of the traditionalists audience was one hundred years ago? The course will seek answers to these questions by examining some of the original works and the most recent secondary critical literature on modernist art. The post-war milieu did not only affect art. It had a distinct impact on the political, economic, social and financial outlook of Europe in the form of a new, theretofore, unknown kind of autarchism, ideological extremism and nationalism. These penetrated the very fabric of everyday life: communications, entertainment, leisure, diet, family, education and gender relations, morality, housing, health, transport, diplomacy, military planning, and more. The course will also examine these wide-ranging aspects, especially from a British, to some extent the American point of view with further references to continental European ramifications.
Számonkérés és értékelés
End-of-term marks will be based on the evaluation of classroom activities, presentations, one mid-term test and a final term essay.
Set texts from the course’s final reading list.
Ajánlott irodalom
Books Hollis, Matthew. The Waste Land: A Biography of a Poem, London: Faber, 2022. Christopher Clark, The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 London: Harper, 2013. Crawford, Robert. Eliot After the Waste Land, London: Jonathan Cape, 2022. Reynolds, David. The Long Shadow: The Great War and the Twentieth Century (London and New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013. Film Berger, Edward. (director) All Quiet on the Western Front  (Im Westen nichts Neues), 2022. Online streaming YouTube: Ten Great Writers Seminar with Melvyn Bragg. Anthony Burgess, Malcolm Bradbury, George Steiner and others (1987) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiJC_piyJJI&t=187s&ab_channel=ManufacturingIntellect Podcasts BBC Radio 4 In Our Time podcasts: Literary Modernism (originally broadcast on 26 April 2001) BBC Radio 4 In Our Time podcasts: James Joyce’s Ulysses (originally broadcast on 14 June 2012) BBC Radio 4 In Our Time podcasts: Four Quartets (originally broadcast on 22 December 2016) BBC Radio 4, 1922: The Birth of Now. The Criterion which Published The Waste Land (originally broadcast on 27 March 2022) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0013rrr Paintings by Francis Bacon, Marc Chagall, Otto Dix, Edward Hopper

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