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BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Irodalmi szövegolvasás 1.: Wordsworth költészete
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
This course offers an introduction to the work of William Wordsworth, one of the seminal figures of the history of English poetry. Its aim is to acquiant students with the most important characteristics of Wordsworthian poetics and with the historical contexts of his work; an equally important objective is that students become capable of independently reading and interpreting Wordsorthian texts.
Tantárgy tartalma
The course seeks to present Wordsworth’s work from various perspectives. We will discuss some of the central works, as well as poems that were badly recieved in their own time, we will read extracts from the narrative philosophical poems, and also look at some of the most highly regarded late works. In addition, we will read poems written in youth but only published decades later, in altered forms, comparing the early and the late versions. We read the poems chronologically, according to dates of composition, in order to gain some sense of the developments of Wordsworth’s thinking and style.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Attendance and paticipation in class discussions, as well as acquaintance with the texts assigned week by week are all parts of the asessment. Students will have to write four essay throughout the term, each cc. 2 pages long, on a given aspect of a given work; assessment of the essays involves the degree to which the written exercises display improvment.
“Salisbury Plain”; “Guilt and Sorrow”; “The Ruined Cottage”; The Excursion, Book I: “The Wanderer”; “The Thorn”; “Tintern Abbey”; The Prelude, from Book I, The Glad Preamble; “Lucy poems”; “To a Cuckoo”; “To a Butterfly”; “Resolution and Independence”; “Ode: Intimations of Immortality …” The Prelude, from Book VI, The Simplon Pass; from The River Duddon sonnets. Kritikai irodalom (ajánlott, nem kötelező): - Jonathan Wordsworth, The Music of Humanity: A Critical Study of Wordsworth’s Ruined Cottage (New York, 1969) - Jonathan Wordsworth, William Wordsworth. The Borders of Vision (Oxford, 1982) - Geoffrey Hartman, Wordsworth’s Poetry1787-1814 (Yale, 1964) - Stephen Gill, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth (Cambridge, 2003) - John Blades, Wordsworth and Coleridge: Lyrical Ballads (Analysing Texts series) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) - Emma Mason, The Cambridge Introduction to William Wordsworth (Cambridge, 2010)

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