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BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Irodalmi szövegolvasás 1.: Bevezetés az ír nyelvbe és kultúrába
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
To deepen students’ engagement with the significance and richness of languages, culture, and history in Ireland To enhance research and critical analytical skills when interpreting different historical, literary, and cultural narratives, considering their wider historical context
Tantárgy tartalma
This course provides an introduction to the history and culture of languages in Ireland, including both Irish (Gaeilge) and Hiberno-English, i.e. the unique variety of English spoken across Ireland. We will focus on their special vocabulary, idioms, and pronunciation, the characteristics pf which reflect the linguistic, cultural, and political history of Ireland and England (Dolan, p. 23). Besides familiarising ourselves with the changing use of the Irish language throughout history, we also will examine the use of languages in Irish literature, arts, film, and comedy. Moreover, the course will also contain an introductory-level Irish language instruction, for those who are interested in learning a cúpla focal as Gaeilge.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Grades will be based on: class work (attendance, weekly readings and contributing to class discussions) brief weekly assignments and In-class test + bonus points for Irish-language exercises
Primary sources: Des Bishop. In the Name of the Fada (2008). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPqoKpyhzP8&list=PLU4dK5FbA65HldYpgah5MNwxKgLu0uMNI&ab_channel=TGFoghlaim McCafferty (dir). Filleann an Feall (2000), https://shorts.screenireland.ie/films/filleann-an-feall O’Hara, Daniel (dir.) Yu Ming is Ainm Dom (2003), https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=DoVJYuTyyN8&ab_channel=AnGhaeilge Secondary sources: Dolan, Terence Patrick, ed. The Dictionary of Hiberno-English (Gill Books, 2020). Doyle, Aidan. A History of the Irish Language: From the Norman Invasion to Independence (OUP, 2015). Moriarty. Máiréad. “Developing resources for translanguaging in minority language contexts: A case study of rapping in an Irish primary school.” Language, Culture and Curriculum 30:1 (2017): pp 76-90. Morley, Vincent. “The Irish Language.” In Richard Burke and Ian McBride (eds.), The Princeton History of Modern Ireland (Princeton University Press, 2016): pp 320-343. Walshe, Shane. Irish English as Represented in Film (Peter Lang, 2009). Walshe, Shane.  “Normal people like us don't use that type of language. Remember this is the real world'. The language of Father Ted: representations of Irish English in a fictional world.” Sociolinguistic Studies; Galicia 5:1 (2011): pp 127-148.

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