Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Irodalmi szövegolvasás 1.: Középkori és kora újkori gonosztevők és örökségük a kortárs populáris kultúrában
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
This course will provide a closer reading and interpretation of Early Modern English Drama, from the roots of the character of the villain (classical and medieval) to Kyd’s, Marlowe’s, Shakespeare’s and Jonson’s plays. Macbeth and Richard III will be discussed in more detail, but we are going to have a look at other plays’ villains, too (such as the archetypal Mephistophilis in Faustus, Claudius in Hamlet, Iago in Othello or Edmund in King Lear). Briefly the importance of Milton’s Paradise Lost and its Satan figure will also be mentioned, as the Biblical and mythological roots of these villains. The course also aims to provide a cultural/historical background for the issue of evil and villainy, and at the same time investigates how these early-modern (or older) villains live on, and so we are going to have a closer look at their legacy in the 20th and 21st-century pop-cultural scene.
Tantárgy tartalma
The course will provide an opportunity for students not only to practise their drama-close-reading skills, but also to look for possible explanations and solutions through the plays of Shakespeare to such relevant and controversial questions as: what makes a villain? how can we define villainy? is there an excuse for their actions? what makes these characters so attractive, even likeable at times? The chosen plays are The Second Shepherds’ Play, The Spanish Tragedy; Doctor Faustus, Richard III, Macbeth, Othello, Titus Andronicus, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado; Twelfth Night, Volpone, Paradise Lost (tentative list; can be changed according to students’ needs and interests).
Számonkérés és értékelés
Active in-class participation; presentation (optional); in-class essay; Canvas quizzes and assignments;
Arden-Shakespeare sorozat darabjai; Introductions to the Arden Shakespeare editions; Maurice Charney: Shakespeare’s Villains (2012) Charlotte Spivack: The Comedy of Evil on Shakespeare’s Stage (1979) Steven Berkoff's Shakespeare's Heroes And Villains (video)

Kurzus szakjai

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