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- Szervezet
- BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
- Kód
- BBI-ANG17-219E/D4
- Cím
- Irodalmi szövegolvasás 2.: Oscar Wilde szövegolvasás
- Tervezett félév
- Mindkét
- Meghirdetve
- 2024/25/2
- 3
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the works and literary context of the late-Victorian “cultural lightning rod” and self-acclaimed “genius”, Oscar Wilde. The course will not be concerned deeply with the biography of the author and psychoanalytical reading of the texts; instead, students are expected to engage with the texts by close reading in the first place. The interpretation enfolding during the sessions will be compared to the cultural context of the era. The analysis takes textual evidence into consideration that might have triggered contemporary reader’s response and reviews; more importantly, contemporary canonised literary and non-canonical ‘apocryphal’ texts will be examined to better understand Wilde’s literary culture, his legacy, and “making of a legend”.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- The seminar includes various genres: selected poems by Oscar Wilde, Robert Browning and William Wordsworth; considerable attention will be paid to Wilde’s “only novel”, The Picture of Dorian Gray and excerpts from non-canonised erotic fiction related to Wilde appropriate for discussion; two plays (Salome, The Importance of Being Earnest); Aubrey Beardsley’s illustrations to Salome and his unfinished novel (Under the Hill); “The True Story of a Vampire”, a short story by Eric Stenbock; and a novelette, Imre by Edward Prime-Stevenson. Therefore, students will read, stage, and examine fiction, plays and illustrations.
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Students are required to actively contribute to the discussion during sessions (ca. 10%). Occasional pop-quizzes checking students’ close familiarity with the texts can be expected (ca. 10%). On the last occasion, students write a quick few-item in-class test and have a short conversation with the instructor on a particular topic having been covered during the seminar (ca. 30%). A major factor (ca. 50%) in the preliminary “exam mark” is a 6-8 page home-essay presenting the results of the student’s individual mini research on a topic of his/her choice (but related to Wilde and his context). If the preliminary mark is rejected by the student, the final grade will be based on all the above and an additional oral exam including items from the suggested reading list on the syllabus.
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Kötelező: Beardsley, Aubrey. Under the Hill (The Story of Venus and Tannhäuser) (1907) Browning, Robert. “House” (1876) Everton Johnson, Shirley. The Cult of the Purple Rose: A Phase of Harvard Life (1902, excerpt) Gillet, George. “To Kalon” (1891) Prime-Stevenson, Edward. Imre: A Memorandum (1906) Raffalovich, Marc-André. Up to 3 selected poems. Stenbock, Eric. “The True Story of a Vampire” (1894) Wilde, Oscar. Salome (1891) Wilde, Oscar. Up to 2 selected poems. Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) Wilde, Oscar. Teleny (1894, excerpts) Wordsworth, William. “Scorn not the Sonnet” (1827) Ajánlott olvasmány: Adlard, John. Introduction. “The True Story of a Vampire,” by Eric Stenbock, 1894, The Tragara Press, 1989, pp. 5-11. Arata, Stephen. “The Fin de Siècle.” The Cambridge History of Victorian Literature. Edited by Kate Flint, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 124-148. Briot, Eugénie. “From Industry to Luxury: French Perfume in the Nineteenth Century.” Business History Review, vol. 85., no. 2., 2011, pp. 273-294. Bristow, Joseph. “Homosexual Writing on Trial: from Fanny Hill to Gay News.” The Cambridge Companion to Gay and Lesbian Writing. Edited by Hugh Stevens, Cambridge UP, 2011, pp. 17-33. Brophy, Brigid. Beardsley and His World. Thames and Hudson, 1976. Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde, The. Ed. Joseph Bristow. CUP, 1997. Doody, Noreen. “William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and the Art of Appeal.” Shakespeare and the Irish Writer. Edited by Janet Clare and Stephen O’Neill, University College Dublin Press, 2010, pp. 123-135. Frederickson, Kathleen. “Victorian Pornography and the Laws of Genre.” Literature Compass, vol. 8., no. 5., 2011, pp. 304-312. Gifford, James. Introduction. Imre. Written by Edward Prime-Stevenson, Broadview Press, 2003, pp. 13–26. Law, Joe. “The ‘Perniciously Homosexual Art’: Music and Homoerotic Desire in The Picture of Dorian Gray and Other Fin-de-Siècle Fiction.” The Idea of Music in Victorian Fiction. Edited by Sophie Fuller, Nicky Losseff, Ashgate, 2004, pp. 173-196. Leckie, Barbara. “The Novel and Censorship in Late-Victorian England” The Oxford Handbook of the Victorian Novel. Edited by Losa Rodensky, Oxford Handbooks Online, 2013, pp. 1-13. Web. Madden, Ed. “Say It with Flowers: The Poetry of Marc-André Raffalovich.” College Literature, vol. 24., no. 1., 1997, pp. 11-27. Mighall, Robert. A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History’s Nightmares. Oxford UP, 2003. Palgrave Advances in Oscar Wilde Studies. Ed. Frederick Roden. Palgrave, 2006. Robbins, Ruth. Oscar Wilde. Continuum, 2011. Setz, Wolfram. Introduction. The Sins of the Cities of the Plain. Written anonymously, Valancourt Books, 2013, pp. vii-xxv. Smith, Sidonie, Julia Watson. “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions.” Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives. 2nd ed., University of Minnesota Press, 2010, pp. 1-20. Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray (13-chapter version) (1890) Wilde, Oscar. The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray. Ed. Nicholas Frankel. HUP, 2011. Wilde, Oscar et al. Teleny (1894) Wilde Oscar et al. Des Grieux: The Prelude to Teleny, Vol. 1. (1899) Zhang, Lei. “The Politics of Representation and Subversion in Victorian Soundscape: An Ideological Study of Music.” Journal of Cambridge Studies, vol. 5. No. 4., 2010, pp. 48-60.