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BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Irodalmi szövegolvasás 2.: A fikciótól a tényekig és vissza: Mitológia és/vagy történelem - drámai ábrázolások az idők során Aescylustól Stoppardig
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Oktatás célja
The primary aim of the course is to survey, in culture historical context, the major stages of drama history focusing on Classical and English drama and theatre through the close reading and analysis of dramatic texts selected from the ouvre of the most prominent authors.
Tantárgy tartalma
02.15. Introduction 02.22  Greek Drama and Theatre I. The Beginnings, Aeschylos, Prometheus Bound; ,            Sophocles, Oedipus Rex 02.29.  Greek Drama and Theatre II. Euripides, Iphigenia at Aulis, Aristophanes, The            Frogs  4.  03.07.  Roman Drama and Theatre: Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, Terence, Seneca  5.  03.14.  Medieval Drama I. From the Liturgical Plays to the Interludes: mystery and                   morality plays. The York Play of Crucifiction, Mankynd  6.  03.21.  Renaissance Drama I. Pre-Shakespearean Dramatists: Th. Kyd, The Spanish                   Tragedy; Chr. Marlowe, The Jew of Malta  7.  04.04.  Renaissance Drama II. W. Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra  8.  04.11.  Renaissance Drama II. W. Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale  9.  04.18.  19th Century and Early Modern Drama: O. Wilde, Salome;  G.B. Shaw, Saint                   Joan 10. 04.25. The Drama of the Irish Literary Renaissance: W.B. Yeats, Calvary; J.M. Synge,                  The Playboy of the Western World 11. 05.02. The Theatre of the Absurd I. S. Beckett, Endgame; H. Pinter, The Birthday Party 12. 05.09.  In-class paper 13. 05.16.  Post Modern Drama: Stoppard, Rock ’n’ Roll
Számonkérés és értékelés
Home assignements, active participation in seminar work, end-term paper (Test plus essay)
Basic bibliography Akárki – misztériumok, mirákulumok, moralitások, Vál. Szenczi Miklós, Utószó: Benedek András, Budapest: Európa, 1984. Banham, Martin, ed. The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. Cambridge, 1998. Barber, L.C. Creating Elizabethan Tragedy: The Theatre of Marlowe and Kyd. Chicago,1988. Bentley, G. E. The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. 7 vols. Oxford, 1941-68. Bentley, Eric, The Theatre of Commitment. London, 1968. Bieber, M. The History of Greek and Roman Theatre. Princeton, 1961 Bigsby, S.W.E.m Albee. Edinburgh, 1969. Billington, M.K., Harold Pinter. London, 2007. Braunmuller, A.R., Hattaway, Michael, eds. The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Cambridge, 1990. Brockett, Oscar G. and Franklin J. Hildy. History of the Theatre. Ninth edition, International edition. Boston, 2003. Brustein, Robert. The Theatre of Revolt: An Approach to the Modern Drama. London, 1965. Chambers, E.K. The Elizabethan Stage. 4 vols. Oxford, 1923. Corrigan, R.W., ed. Arthur Miller. A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey, 1969. Cronin, Anthony. Samuel Beckett: The Last Modernist. New York, 1997. Davidson, Clifford, C.J. Gianakaris, and John H. Stroupe, eds. Drama int he Renaissance: Comparative and Critical Essaíys. New York, 1986. Dietrich, Richard F. British Drama, 1890-1950: A Critical History. Boston: Twayne, 1989. Dollimore, Jonathan. Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries. Brighton, 1989. Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of the Absurd. London, 2001. Farbham Willard, The Medieval Heritage of Elizabethan Tragedy. New York, 1956. Fischer-Lichte, E.: A dráma története. Jelenkor: Pécs, 2001. Ford, Boris, ed. The New Pelican Guide to English Literatre 4. From Dryden to Johnson,Penguin Books, 1982. Gascoigne, Bamber, Twentieth Century Drama. London, 1962. Gassner J., ed. O’Neill. A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey, 1964. Innes, Christopher. Modern British Drama, 1890-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992. Jackson, E.M., The Broken World of Tennessee Williams. Madison, 1966. Kermode, F. The Age of Shakespeare. London, 2004. Kitto, H.D.F., Greek Tragedy. London, 1966. Kott, Jan. Istenevõk. Budapest: Európa, 1998. Krutch, J.W., „Modernism” in Modern Drama. Ithaca, 1966. Krutch, J.W., The American Drama Since 1918. New York, 1957. Lucas, F. L. Seneca and Elizabethan Tragedy Cambridge University Press, 1922; paperback,2009. Lumley, F., Trends in Twentieth Century Drama. London, 1956. Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century. Cambridge, 2002. Murray, Christopher, ed. Samuel Beckett: Playwright & Poet. New York, 2009. Olson, Elder, Tragedy and the Theory of Drama. Detroit, 1966. Rehm, Rush. Greek Tragic Theatre. Theatre Production Studies ser. London and New York, 1992. Styan, J.L.. "The English Stage: A History of Drama and Performance." Cambridge,1996 A színház világtörténete, 2k. Fõszerk. Hont Ferenc, Budapest: Gondolat, 1986. Taylor, J.R., Anger and After. London, 1963. Taylor, J.R., The Second Wave. British Drama for the Seventies. London, 1971.

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