Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Az angol irodalom a restaurációtól 1890-ig
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
These seminars are designed to follow up the lecture course of the same title  and thus introduce, through attentive reading, in-class discussion, and written as well as oral assignments, some representative works created between 1660 and 1895. Equally importantly, the course aims at helping students familiarise themselves with academic discourse and develop responsive and focused habits of reading in English.
Tantárgy tartalma
Works by some major novelists, poets, and dramatists of the period 1660-1895, selected by the instructor from the list of compulsory readings assigned for the lecture course these seminars are meant to follow.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Continuous assessment resulting in an end-of-term practical mark (gyakorlati jegy) based on tasks, assignments and tests as announced by the instructor (presentations, in-class and take-home essays and quizzes, project work, etc.).
Titles selected by the instructor from the list assigned for the lecture-course of the same title Ajánlott/Recommended(A megfelelő fejezetek az alább felsorolt munkákból/Appropriate chapters from the works listed below.) Fisk, D.P., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Restoration Theatre. Cambridge New York: CUP, 2000. Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. New York: OUP, 1994. Womersley, D., ed. A Companion to Literature from Milton to Blake. Wiley-Blackwell, 2001. Fairer, David. English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century. London: Pearson, 2003. Wu, Duncan, ed. Romanticism: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995 Donohue, Joseph, ed. The Cambridge History of the British Theatre. 1660-1895. Cambridge: CUP, 2004 Richetti, John, ed. The Cambridge History of English Literature. 1660-1780. Cambridge: CUP, 2005 Bristow, Joseph, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry: CUP, 2000 Watt, Ian. The Rise of the Novel, Chatto and Windus, Ltd., London, 1957. Richetti, John. The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge: CUP, 1996. Clery, E. J., „The Rise of Supernatural Fiction, 1762–1800”. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism (No. 12), 1995 Curran, Stuart, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Romanticism. Cambridge: CUP, 1993

Kurzus szakjai

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