Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
- Szervezet
- PPK Pszichológiai Intézet
- Kód
- PSZM21-MO-INTK-102:2
- Cím
- Social and Cultural Diversity in Education
- Tervezett félév
- Mindkét
- Meghirdetve
- 2024/25/2
- 4
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- COURSE DESCRIPTION (GENERAL DESCRIPTION) Course title: Social and cultural diversity in education (Oktatás, társadalmi és kulturális sokféleség ha magyarul lenne) Course code: PSZM21-MO-INTK-102:2 Head of the course:Csereklye Erzsébet Aim of the course Aim of the course: The aim of the course is to give an overview of the most relevant forms of inequality in education, to analytically discuss international and Hungarian good practices on inter- and multicultural education, and help students to develop their competences necessary for channeling theoretical knowledge to educational practices. The course will enable students to initiate, organize and evaluate activities and programs supporting social inclusion. Learning outcome, competences knowledge: : Students will have a critical, analytical approach to information become able to analyze pedagogical initiatives and their context in a theoretical framework know the connection between SES and education attitude: Students will consider cultural diversity a positive opportunity, that can serve social inclusion and development have a social sensitivity, able to apply global values in their work skills: : Students will be able to channel their theoretical knowledge on multicultural education into their practice, and initiate activities, programs for social inclusion and social transformation deliver their professional activities in a sensitive, tolerant manner recognize, understand and deal with the effects of the SES and social inclusion create a working environment that is multiculturalist able to initiate and bring decisions autonomously autonomy/ responsibility Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge on their own, in accordance with the ethical guidelines of psychology, but only for purposes corresponding to their level of competence.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Content of the course Topic of the course Social environment of the education, social inequalities Creating chances in educational institutions, the multicultural attitudes of teachers Analyzing educational institutions from a multicultural perspective Analyzing instructional material from a multicultural perspective Pedagogical goals and values The theory and practice of the equity pedagogy Designing multicultural initiatives and projects in educational institutions Learning activities, learning methods Groupwork, pairwork, lecture, presentation, analyzing cases, analyzing statistical data, analyzing mediacontent Learning activities, learning methods presentation, groupwork, teamwork, pairwork, discussion, evaluation circle blended learning (online and on-site learning)
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation and criteria of evaluation: Active participation 10% Course contributions 75% 2 topic presentations in groups+ activities, evaluations (altogether max. 70 min.), with slides uploaded = 50% Presentation of an analysis 25 % In case you are unable to attend the classes, you will have the opportunity to take an oral exam based on the compulsory literature of the class (60%). Even in this case you need to present an analysis and hand in a literature review (40%). Literature review related to your presentation of an analysis (2 to 3 pages, APA references) – 15% Mode of evaluation: practical mark (5) complex, based on participation, course contribution and the written contribution, Grade 1 to 5 91% and above = 5 81-90% = 4 71-80% = 3 61-70%= 2 60 % and under = fail Criteria of evaluation: Active participation 10% - presence, contribution to class discussions/e-learning forums Course contributions 75% 2 topic presentations in groups+ activities, evaluations (altogether max. 70 min.), with slides uploaded = 50% Content of the presentations: slides for a max. 30 min presentation (APA 2016 references) 1 warm up activity 1 activity to help the participants engage more in the topic 1 activity to evaluate the presentation Team work has to be real teamwork, with meetings, consultations, and a joint effort. Evaluation criteria for the presentations (25% each): Sending the presentation and the activity descriptions by the deadline, making the requested modifications: (5/25) Relevance, scientific clarity of the presentation (5/25) Coherence of the activities and the presentation (5/25) Clear structure of the activities and the presentation (5/25) Timing (5/25) Presentation of an analysis 25 % Literature review related to your presentation of an analysis (2 to 3 pages, APA 2016 standard references) – 15% In case you are unable to attend the classes, you will have the opportunity to take an oral exam based on the compulsory literature of the class (60%). Even in this case you need to present an analysis and hand in a literature review (40%).
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Reading list Compulsory reading list Banks, James A. (2014). An Introduction to Multicultural Education. Boston: Pearson. Farrel, J. P. (2008): Teaching and Learning to Teach: Successful Radical Alternatives from the Developing World. In: Mundy, Bickmore, Hayhoe, Madden & Madjidi (Eds.): Comparative and International Education. Issues for Teachers. CSPI – Teachers College Press. 107-132. Freire, P. (1970, 2005). Pedagogy of the Opressed. New York, London: Continuum. Chapter 1 & 2 pp. 43-86. Garrote, A., Sermier Dessemontet, R. & Moser Opitz E. (2017). Facilitating the social participation of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools: A review of schoolbased interventions. Educational Research Review 20 (2017) 12-23. Obondo, M.A., Lahdenperä, P. & Sandevärn, P. (2016) Educating the old and newcomers: Perspectives of teachers on teaching in multicultural schools in Sweden, Multicultural Education Review, 8:3, 176-194, DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2016.1184021 Ogbu, J. U. and Simons, H. D. (1998): Voluntary and Involuntary Minorities: A Cultural-Ecological Theory of School- Performance with Some Implications for Education. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 29(2): 155-188. WHO (2011). World report on disability. World Health Organization. 2011. 203-233. Recommended reading list Freire, P. (1970, 2005). Pedagogy of the Opressed. New York, London: Continuum Mthethwa-Sommers, S. (2014): What is Social Justice Education. In S. Mthethwa-Sommers: Narratives of Social Justice Educators. Springer. 7-25. Szumski, G., Smogorzewska, J. & Karwowski, M. (2017) Academic achievement of students without special educational needs in inclusive classrooms: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review 21 (2017) 33-54.
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