Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Interkulturális Pszichológiai és Pedagógiai Intézet
Diversity, Social Inequalities and Equity in Education
Tervezett félév
leírás: angolul
Oktatás célja
Learning outcome, competences The aim of the course is to give an overview of the most relevant forms of inequality in education, to analytically discuss international and Hungarian good practices on inter- and multicultural education, and help students to develop their competences necessary for channeling theoretical knowledge to educational practices. The course will enable students to initiate, organize and evaluate activities and programs supporting social inclusion. knowledge: Students will Have a critical, analytical approach to information Able to analyze pedagogical initiatives and their context in a theoretical framework Know the connection between SES and education attitude: Students will Consider cultural diversity a positive opportunity, that can serve social inclusion and development Have a social sensitivity, able to apply global values in their work skills: Students will  be able to Chanel their theoretical knowledge on multicultural education into their practice, and initiate activities, programs for social inclusion and social transformation Deliver their professional activities in a sensitive, tolerant manner Recognize, understand and deal with the effects of the SES and social inclusion Create a working environment that is multiculturalist Able to initiate and bring decisions autonomously Deliberately represents the values of social inclusion
Tantárgy tartalma
Topics of the course Social environment of the education, social inequalities Creating chances in educational institutions, the multicultural attitudes of teachers Analyzing educational institutions from a multicultural perspective Analyzing instructional material from a multicultural perspective Pedagogical goals and values The theory and practice of the equity pedagogy Designing multicultural initiatives and projects in educational institutions Learning activities, learning methods Groupwork, pairwork, lecture, presentation, assembling a portfolio, analyzing cases, analyzing statistical data, analyzing media-content, planning initiatives and projects
Számonkérés és értékelés
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: Requirements: During the course students create a portfolio, that consist of the following parts ·         Creating a review of the literature on an issue relevant for the sociology of education ·         Analysis (one compulsory) o   Description and analysis of an educational institution from a multicultural perspective (e.g. admission, inclusion of parents, pedagogical mission, extracurricular activities, catering, mentoring programs, support opportunities, etc.) o   Analysis of a curriculum, it’s part of a schoolbook from a multicultural perspective o   Analytical presentation of an educational good practice (classroom work, evaluation, development, etc.) ·         Project plan o   Developing and describing a project plan for an educational institution (need, goals, necessities, expected results, evaluation) ·         Reflection on the process of developing the project mode of evaluation: complex, based on participation and the portfolio criteria of evaluation: Active participation 10% Portfolio 90% Recommended contents of the portfolio Literature review Analysis of an institution OR a schoolbook/curriculum OR a pedagogical intiative Project draft Reflexion
Compulsory reading list Banks, James A. (2014): An Introduction to Multicultural Education. Pearson. Banks, James A. (2015): Cultural Diversity and Education. Foundations, Curriculum, and Teaching. Routledge. Grant, Carl – Sleeter, Christine (2007): Doing Multicultural Edcuation for Achievement and Equity. Routledge, New York Cristina Allemann-Ghionda (2008): Intercultural Education in Schools. A Comparative Study. Brussels, European Parliament, 2008. https://www.hf.uni-koeln.de/data/eso21/File/Schwerpunkte_Forschung/Intercultural.Education.in.Schools.pdf Joseph P-Farrel (2008): Teaching and Learning to Teach: Successful Radical Alternatives from the Developing World. In: Mundy – Bickmore – Hayhoe – Madden – Madjidi (Eds.):Comparative and International Education. Issues for Teaachers. CSPI – Teachers College Press. 107-132, UNESCO (2013) Third Collection of Good Practices.  Intercultural Dialogue in Support of Quality Education. UNESCO Associated Schools. 2013 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002228/222890E.pdf Recommended reading list Cristina Allemann-Ghionda (2011): Comments on Intercultural Education in German Guidelines and Curricula. In: Grant, Carl – Portera, Agostino: Intercultural and Multicultural Education. Routledge. 49-68. Krystyna M. Bleszynska (2011): Intercultural Education in Post-Communist Countries. In: Grant, Carl – Portera, Agostino: Intercultural and Multicultural Education. Routledge. 69-82. Valerie A. Clifford (2011): Moving from Multicultural to Intercultural Education in Australian Higher Education. In: Grant, Carl – Portera, Agostino: Intercultural and Multicultural Education. Routledge. 315-322. Wu, Zongyie – Han, Chunyan (2011): Cultural transformation of Educational discourse in China. In: Grant, Carl – Portera, Agostino: Intercultural and Multicultural Education. Routledge. 225-244.

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