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Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Interkulturális Pszichológiai és Pedagógiai Intézet
Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of the course is     - to introduce the basic theories and analytical frameworks of minority education and inequalities in education - to offer a wide set of information on the international landscape of minority education     - to show how social diversities and inequalities are generated and influence educational inequalities as well and which ways they have this impact on education     - to show the relationships between disadvantaged minorities and educational failure with a focus on the language and minority position in a society     - to introduce the most influential and dominant educational policy paradigms on minority education     - to show the landscape of Roma and other minority education eg. linguistic monorities’ education and immigrant education with advantages and disadvantages of the field     - to offer a wider analytical framework in education to the students in which they can contextualize minority education issues more precisely. Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: knowledge - knows the basic theories and fundamental approaches in the practice of social integration and acculturation - knows about the historic and cultural aspects of the relationship of different minority and majority groups in the society - knows basic information on the Hungarian ethnic minority groups, the legal background of minority life and education in Hungary - knows some international aspects of minority life and education in and out of Europe - knows social psychological aspects of minority and majority life in a society and its relationships with education - knows the most influential explanatory theories on international migration and the impacts of migration on education - knows some basic relationships between SES and education attitude: - uses her knowledge on minority and minority education issues while analysing contemporary trends and changes in the societies - is opened to understand and accept other cultures and values - respects human rights and dignity - admits mutual legitimity of different cultures as well as the importance of cultural identity of each members of the society, and accpets the complexity of human identity constructions - accepts the fact that the processes of social integration and cultural cohabitation are very complex and therefore can cause different conflicts in all aspects of life; however thinks that these conflicts can be solved by mutually constructive social negotiation processes in a plural and democratic society - regards cultural diversity as a positive chance for social integration and development - is sensitive in social issues - is motivated to adapt global values in local social contexts - is motivated to take all these aspects into consideration during her/his work skills: - during his/her work is able to take basic human rights and legal framworks into consideration - is able to use and convey intercultural approach in his/her work in a tolerant and prudent way - is able to convert his/her intercultural knowledge into the practice - is able to launch programs and different activities for the sake of the improvement of social integration and cohesion; is able to plan these type of programs and to activate him-/herself for realizing these programs - able to understand and shape intergroup and intercultural relationships - is able to support constructive minority and majority identity developments - is able to percieve and handle the relationships between SES and social inclusion - is able to improve the advantages of cultural diversities in a society for the social integration - is able to be reflective on his/her own hidden values, presuppositions, prejudicies and ethnocentrims and is able to critically relate to these inner personal processes and to improve these abilities in other people as well autonimy and responsability: - feels responsibility towards the individuals and social groups in the societies - takes responsibility for her/his work and other acts, takes all the social consequences of his/her acts - is resilient - is able to cooperate with others - is able to put efforts on self-development and professional self-improvement - accepts and represents the core values of social integration
Tantárgy tartalma
Topics of the course: I. Definition and types of social minorities; historical and synchron aspects II. Education and social groups’ dominance in the societies III. Minority education models and programs in the USA, Canada, and Australia IV. Minority education models and programs in Asian societies V. Minority education models and programs in Europe VI. Minority education models and programs in Hungary, Roma education VII. Minority education models and programs in ethnic Hungarian communities VIII. Minority education models and programs in Higher education Learning activities, learning methods - lecturing - students’ interactivity - Q/A-s sessions - students’ presentations - case studies - visual and verbal materials
Számonkérés és értékelés
requirements: - presence - activitiy during the classes - preparing presentations etc. as these and other activities are announced and expected by the teacher mode of evaluation: oral, written and/or complex/combined examination criteria of evaluation: 60% collocvium 40% activity, preserntations etc.
Compulsory reading list Aud, S. – Fox, A.M. (2010): Status and trends in the education of racial and ethnic groups. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Education. Essomba, M.A. (2014): Enhancing EU education policy: Building a framework to help young poeple of migrant background succeed. Sirius Network Policy Brief Series, 1. Pop, D. (Ed.) (2012): Education policy and equal education opportunities. Open Society Foundations, New York.

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