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BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Választható amerikai irodalmi szeminárium: Gender az amerikai populáris kultúrában
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Oktatás célja
On completion of the seminar students are expected to be able to: account for the most central concepts in gender theories analyze representation, diversity, and identity in American popular culture discuss and connect these concepts to different pop cultural examples by intersecting them with other identity categories such as race, class, religion, and sexuality.
Tantárgy tartalma
This course will introduce students to popular culture and critical theory centrally concerned with issues of gender and sexual identity. Through careful reading, class discussion, and critical writing, students will be invited to broaden their perspectives on gender and sexuality beyond those offered by the dominant culture.
Számonkérés és értékelés
This is a discussion class in which your active participation is an essential part of your grade and the best way to feel confident to talk in class is to come prepared, having read and watched the assigned texts. Your attendance at our class meetings is crucial and is required as a part of your grade. Attendance and participation 20%, weekly assignments and presentation 50%, final essay/project 30%.
Bartky, S. L. “Foucault, Femininity and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power” in The Politics of Women’s Bodies. Oxford University Press. 1998. (pp. 2545) Butler, J. “Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire” in Gender Trouble. Routledge. 1990. (pp. 345). Butler, J. “Critically Queer”. GLQ. 1993. (pp. 1732) Butler, J. “Why is the idea of “gender” provoking backlash over the world?”. The Guardian. 23 Oct 2021. Cahill A. J. “Foucault, Rape, and the Construction of the Feminine Body”. Hypatia, vol 15, no 1. 2000. (pp. 4363) Cantwell, C. et al. “The United States of Captain America”. Marvel. Issue 1. 2021. Cantwell, C. et al. “The United States of Captain America”. Marvel. Issue 2. 2021. Carl, P. “Becoming a Man”. The New York Times Magazine. 21 Jan 2021. Creed, B. “Kristeva, Femininity, Abjection” in The Monstrous Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis. Routledge. 2007. (pp.8–15) Gaydos, S. and Jamie S. Rich, eds. Love is Love. IDW Publishing. 2016. (pp. 1144). Halberstam, J. “What’s that Smell? Queer temporalities and subcultural lives”. International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol 6, no 3. 2003. (pp. 313333) Haraway, D. “A Cyborg Manifesto”. University Minnesota Press. 1985. (pp.1–88) Koegler, S. “Pussy Bites Back: Vagina Dentata Myths from Around the World”. Vice. 15 June 2017. Mbembe, A. “Necropolitics” in Necropolitics. Duke University Press. 2019. (pp. 66–92) Mulvey, L. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”. Screen, vol 16, no 3. 1975. (pp.6–18) O’Reilly, A. “Maternal Theory: Patriarchal Motherhood and Empowered Mothering”. The Routledge Companion to Motherhood. Routledge. 2020. (pp.1935) Paul, J. “In Vogue. Ricky Tucker’s Essential Read on Ballroom Culture”. bitchmedia. 31 January 2022. Puar, J. K. “The sexuality of terrorism” in Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Duke University Press. 2007. (pp. 3778) Reeser, T. W. “Introduction: The Study of Masculinity” and “Theorizing Masculinity” in Masculinities in Theory. Wiley Blackwell. 2010. (pp. 154) Söderbäck, F. “Motherhood: A Site of Repression or Liberation? Kristeva and Butler on the Maternal Body”. Studies in Maternal, vol 2, no 1. 2010. (pp.115) Stryker, S. “My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage”. GLQ, vol 1. 1994. (pp. 237254)

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