Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Neveléstudományi Intézet
Theory of Governance and Management in Education
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of this course is to make students familiar with the most important theoretical issues of governance and management in education. Students will acquire an overview of the key social, economic, political and cultural factors shaping governance and management in education systems. They will be familiarized with the dominant models of educational governance and management, they will be able to identify major governance and management challenges and to seek solutions to them. The course combines macro and micro level perspectives, placing educational governance and management in a broader public policy perspective. A special focus is given to educational change and the implementation of educational policies and development interventions.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Recommended readings Evans, Norman & Henrichsen, Lynn (2008): Long-term Strategic Incrementalism: An Approach and a Model for Bringing About Change in Higher Education. Innovative Higher Education, Vol. 33, pp. 111–124 Gornitzka, Ĺse (2007): Networking Administration in Areas of National Sensitivity – The Commission and European Higher Education. Arena Working Papers, 2. Halász Gábor (2011): Coping with Complexity and Instability in the UK Vocational Training System. European Journal of Education. 2011. Vol. 46, Issue 4. pp. 581-598 McDonnel M. és Elmore, R.F. (1987), Getting the Job Done – Alternative Policy Instruments. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 9., No. 2., Summer, 133-152 Sabatier, Paul (2005): From Policy Implementation to Policy Change: A Personal Odyssey. In: Gornitzka, ĺse – Kogan, Maurice – Amaral, Alberto (Eds.): Reform and Change in Higher Education. Analysing Policy Implementation. pp. 17–34.

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