Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Neveléstudományi Intézet
Research on Educational Technology
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of the course is to develop students’ research-related competences and show the current trends in educational technology research. Students get a short introduction to the basics of education research, and they learn about quantitative and qualitative research methods especially related to digital technology in education. During the semester students learn to transform their ideas and questions into research topics and research questions. They learn how to design their research in the field of modern digital technology in education, while they explore literature, previous researches, research methods related to educational technology. As a final outcome each student writes a research proposal which includes a well described aim, a short literature review, and planned methods of their research, in addition to the expected results as well. The course also aims to show how to use digital tools for visualizing and reporting numerical information, and design measures to evaluate the success of technology initiatives.
Tantárgy tartalma
Major topics: Introduction to educational technology research Current research in the field of education technology Research design and research questions to explore the use of educational technology for teaching and learning Searching electronic databases and critical review of literature Empirical methods in education related to educational technology Qualitative and quantitative methods to research digital technology Introduction to data analysis and management with special focus on digital tools Computer-based data analysis in practice Academic writing Technology enhanced academic presentations
Számonkérés és értékelés
Writing a research proposal (2500-3000 words) (template required) Presenting the written research proposal, using relevant ICT tools (10-15 minutes) Active participation at least 80% of the classes (based on HKR, up to 3 classes missing). Participation is a part of the final mark. Type of evaluation: practice-based mark The evaluation of the achievement during the semester: Research Propoposal - 60% Presentation - 20% Active participation in the classes, group and individual tasks, homeworks - 20% Total obtainable points: 100% Grades: 5 (100-90%), 4 (90-80%), 3 (80-70%), 2 (70-60%), 1 (below 60%).
American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the APA (6th edition). Washington, DC: Author. [Retrieved from: http://coral.wcupa.edu/other/APA6thEdition.pdf] Archer, K., Savage, R., Sanghera-Sidhu, S., Wood, E., Gottardo, A., & Chen, V. (2014). Examining the effectiveness of technology use in classrooms: A tertiary meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 78, 140-149. Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Schmid, R. F., Tamim, R. M., & Abrami, P. C. (2014). A meta-analysis of blended learning and technology use in higher education: from the general to the applied. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 26(1), 87-122. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2013). Research methods in education. Routledge. Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Leech, N. L., & Collins, K. M. (2012). Qualitative analysis techniques for the review of the literature. The qualitative report, 17(28), 1. [Retrieved from: http://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1754&context=tqr] Pallant, J. (2013). SPSS survival manual. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Ross, S. M., Morrison, G. R., & Lowther, D. L. (2010). Educational Technology Research Past and Present: Balancing: Rigor and Relevance to Impact School Learning. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(1).  [Retrieved from: http://cedtech.net/articles/11/112.pdf]

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