Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar
BGGYK Általános Gyógypedagógiai Intézet
Drama in education
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Course description Name of the course: Drama in education Instructor: Géza Máté Novák, PhD. Aims: The student will gain experience on the principles and methodology of drama and theatre-based pedagogical procedures and gain insight into the related pedagogical, special education possibilities of adaptation. The student will meet the dramatic procedures and intervention methods that are applicable in the fields of development, education, integration and inclusion. The course establishes the recognition of the importance of reflective thinking and mental health support in the student's studies and professional development.
Tantárgy tartalma
Learning outcomes and competences: Knowledge: He/she gets to know the principles, methodology and related pedagogical and special education adaptation and intervention options of dramatic procedures and can apply them at his/her own level of competence. Skills: He/she is able to cooperate and communicate in a team-work process. He/she can plan a series of exercises, prepare and execute lesson plans in a closed group framework. He/she applies artistic intervention methods in the fields of development, education, integration and inclusion at his/her own level of competence. Attitude: He/she strives to develop self- and co-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-reflectivity. He/she respects his own and others' competence limits, firmly represents his own professional principles and experiential knowledge during group work, but also allows the aspirations of other participants to prevail in order to cooperate effectively. In the planning, execution and evaluation of activities, he is conscious and thorough. His/her special education and art pedagogy activities are characterized by cooperation with students and joint goal setting; his/her pedagogical work is facilitating and moderating in nature. Autonomy and responsibility: He/she creates a system of relationships with partners that are free of prejudice, based on mutual respect and trust. In professional situations he/she communicates professionally, intelligibly and authentically. He/she is also able to work in a team, and he actively participates in professional workshops. The content of the course: Special educational skill development using art-based methods along the lines of applied drama in teaching. Topics: The aim of the course is to learn the dramatic techniques in the following thematic units: group building and skill development exercises; connection-making games; sensory development exercises; interaction exercises; concentration exercises; reliance exercises; improvisational exercises. In addition to learning and mastering the dramatic techniques that can be used in different areas of development and is suitable for different student groups, there’s also the goal to analyse the methodological problems that occur during the course. Planning a series of exercises, preparation and execution of a lesson plan in a closed group framework. Each session is built around practical work based on self-experience and seminar-type session-analysis on each topic. In the field of dramatic intervention methods, the student has the opportunity to gain experience of his own, which is combined with theoretical and methodological knowledge. In the different areas of the dramatic intervention methods the student has the opportunity to gain experience of his/her own, which is connected to theoretical and methodological knowledge.
Számonkérés és értékelés
System of evaluation: The condition for completing the semester is the preparation of a dramatic lesson plan and its execution in a closed group framework. Knowledge test: a written thesis on the basic concepts of dramatic education.
Relevant literature: Aaltonen, H. (2019). Participating and Creating Hope in Open Ensembles: Drama Education in a Changing World. Downloaded: 2022.07.13. http://mpk.elte.hu/en/download/EWAE_2019_Proceedings.pdf Kempe, A. (2013). Drama, Disability and Education. Routledge. Novak, G. M. (2019). Applied drama and forum theatre in the classroom: An arts-based research in social integration. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 9(3), 569–573. https://doi.org/10.1556/063.9.2019.3.47 Further required reading is part of every course syllabus.

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