Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar
BGGYK Atipikus Viselkedés és Kogníció Gyógypedagógiai Intézet
New empirical findings on general learning disabilities and behavioural problems
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Name of the course: New empirical findings on general learning disabilities and behavioural problems Instructor: Beáta Szenczi-Velkey, PhD. Aims: The course aims to provide an overview of some of the most current research topics and empirical findings concerning the education and development of children and young adults with special educational needs. The course introduces five individual research programs investigating different aspects of special education, but mainly focusing on general learning disabilities (mild intellectual disabilities) and behavioural issues. Learning outcomes and competences: Knowledge: Students are aware of… · some of the research topics related to the education of children and young adults with special educational needs. · some basic specific research methodological issues, methods and research ethics principles related to people with disabilities. · Skills: Students are able to… · apply basic knowledge of research methodology adaptively according to the specific disability group, recognising the appropriate research method for the specific disability group and research topic. Seek to use inclusive research methodologies where possible. · read scientific texts in their field of specialisation independently in at least one foreign language, understand the basic literature on disability and special needs education, reflect on it professionally and use it in a scientific paper with appropriate references. · recognise the presence or absence of a scientific basis for a method. Attitude: · Students consciously represent the methodological culture of special needs education and its frontier disciplines and co-disciplines. · In their research on persons with disabilities, they fully consider the related ethical issues. Autonomy and responsibility: · Students take responsibility for their scientifically and methodologically sound views and decisions on disability-related issues and special needs education.
Tantárgy tartalma
The content of the course: 1. Basic research methodological issues and questions related to people with disabilities 2. Main content and research topics (may vary from year to year): · Involving special needs students in large-scale educational assessments · Roma people in special education · Preterm birth · The social relations (peer relations) of children with special educational needs · Evidence-based practices of behaviour management and classroom management strategies · Supporting people with autism
Számonkérés és értékelés
System of evaluation: · Active and constructive participation (min. 70% of the lessons) (30%) · Written assignment: Students are required to choose one topic from the five individual research projects, read the related compulsory readings and hand-in a written paper (3-5 pages) on a corresponding project. (70%)
Relevant literature: 1. Hott, B. L., Brigham, F. J., & Peltier, C. (2021). Research Methods in Special Education. SLACK Incorporated. 2. LeRoy, B. W., Samuel, P., Deluca, M., & Evans, P. (2018). Students with special educational needs within PISA. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 26(4), 386–396. 3. Almási, R., Horváth, E., & Szekeres, Á. (2018). Sociometric characteristics of classes integrating children with mild intellectual disabilities in the perspectives of (special education) teachers. In Proceedings of IAC 2018 in Vienna (pp. 232–239). 4. Gage, N.A. (2015). Evidence-based practices for classroom and behavior management: Tier 2 and Tier 3 strategies (Document No. IC-15). Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator, Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: http://ceedar.education.ufl.edu/tools/innovation-configurations/ Further required reading is part of every course syllabus.

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