Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Nemzetközi Magánjogi és Európai Gazdasági Jogi Tanszék
Multinational enterprises and private international law
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Tantárgy tartalma
Multinational enterprises and private international law Lecturer: Dr. Tamás Szabados, senior lecturer Department of Private International Law and European Economic Law E-mail: szabados@ajk.elte.hu Course description The course intends to give an overview on the legal regulation of multinational enterprises in general and more specifically from the point of view of private international law. Accordingly, the emphasis will be put on the issue of jurisdiction and applicable law. Although private international law does not decide in itself the merits of a legal dispute related to the operation of an MNE, rules on jurisdiction and governing law can largely determine the outcome of such cases. Course schedule 1. The sources and methods of regulating MNEs 2. The fundamentals of private international law and companies 3. Groups of companies – jurisdiction and applicable law 4. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and legal instruments in CSR 5. Human rights violation and MNEs – US law and practice 6. Human rights violation and MNEs – English law and practice 7. Human rights violation and MNEs – An EU law perspective 8. Breach of environmental standards by MNEs and private international law – A comparative analysis 9. Breach of environmental standards by MNEs and EU private international law 10. Breach of worker protection standards by MNEs 11. The relevance of soft law instruments in legal practice 12. Written exam Course assessment written exam
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