Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Polgári Jogi Tanszék
The rights of children and child protection in Europe
Tervezett félév
Tantárgy tartalma
The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe Lecturer: Prof. Orsolya Szeibert Professor (Department of Civil Law)  e-mail: szeibert@ajk.elte.hu Course Description The issue of rights of children is a legal field the importance of which has been continuously growing. The protection of children is in wider sense closely connected with the children’s rights. The rights of children create a huge field as all legal branches have connections to the substantial and procedural rights of minors. The course deals with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989), the main principles and cornerstones of the child-focused attitude of the CRC, primarily with the child’s right to be properly informed, to be heard and that his or her opinion should be taken into attention. Similarly, the age of the child and its legal importance is also topics of the course. Beside the CRC the course focuses on the rights of child in connection with the family, just as child-marriage, adoption, contact between the child and the parent living separately from the child and separation the child from his or her family. In connection with all mentioned institutions of family law the European approach, just as some and main judgements of the European Court of Human Rights and also the Hungarian one will be discussed. Some legal sources of the European Union deal directly with children, those ones will be analysed as well and the related judgments of the European Court of Justice. Course schedule UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, main principles of the Convention, child’s right to be heard, child-focused justice, participation of the child; child’s rights concerning child marriage, adoption, contact, parental custody, separation of the child from the family – European attitude and child-focused analysis, main judgments of the ECHR, introduction to the Hungarian rules; parental authority and child abduction in the Conventions and EU Regulation, judgments of the ECHR and ECJ.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment/Exam The students’ participation is obligatory, active participation is appreciated and taken into attention at the end of the course. Written exam on Canvas (planned).
Materials The slides and other materials will be available on the e-learning platform of Canvas.

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