Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Nemzetközi Jogi Tanszék
Introduction to Public International Law
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Title Introduction to Public International Law (Lecture) Lecturer(s): Contact email address: Nico Weber Nico.weber@eui.eu Brief description International law regulates more things than we might imagine: from the sanctions we can impose on other states over how many bananas Europe can import from South America to whether states can dispose of their natural resources as they see fit. Beneath the technicalities lie ambitions to shape international order according to contesting political projects of liberal internationalism, decolonisation and the like that the fragile and ever-contested nature of international law makes easy to grasp. This course gives an overview of the substance of international law and the structures of its enforcement. It pays particular attention to the respective historical contexts and the conflicts out of which the current order and its specific norms have arisen. Students will be able to solve basic case studies as well as contextualise legal and normative claims about international order.
Tantárgy tartalma
Schedule 1. History of international order 2. Subjects of international law 3. Sources of IL: customs and general principles 4. Sources of IL: treaties 5. Jurisdiction and immunity 6. State responsibility 7. Midterm exam 8. The transformation of war: collective security and humanitarian law 9. Peaceful settlement of disputes 10. International self-help: countermeasures and sanctions 11. Overview: trade and investment law 12. Overview: human rights law and development
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment/Exam Oral participation (30 %); Midterm take-home exam (30 %); Final exam (40 %). The midterm exam counts only if it is better than the final exam. It is primarily an opportunity to get feedback. All exams are open book take home exams.
Materials/Recommended readings Core: Klabbers, J. (2020). International Law (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press. Alternative: Evans, M. (Ed.). (2018), International Law (5th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Recommended literature and case material specific to the class will be made available in advance

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