Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Pszichológiai Intézet
Diagnostic Methods of Cognitive and Behavioral Approach
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Aim of the course: Students will become familiar with an institution of clinical psychological practice (e.g. adult psychiatric ward, child psychiatric ward, educational consultancy, neuro-pathology outpatient clinic, neurology outpatient clinic, family care service, child welfare service, drug addition centre), learn about the institutional structure of the place and about the work of the clinical psychologist. Students will become involved in practical work: they can be observer participants in admissions, ward rounds, large groups, case study discussion groups, employment and socio-therapy, psychotherapeutic small groups and psychodiagnostic examinations. The psycho-pathologic, psychodiagnostic, cognitive and psychodynamic, and psychotherapeutic knowledge acquired on the theoretical courses will be applied in practice through patient observation and involvement in professional activities. The course includes a seminar where the experience will be discussed and a practical introduction into Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The seminar consists of two main parts. In the first preparatory part (at the beginning of the semester) the group discusses the common denominators (theoretical issues, ethical and professional standards) of clinical work in general and those of psychological activity in particular. Specific tasks tailored to the scope of each field-work institute must also be completed. In the second, major part (at the end of the semester) the students’ experience will be discussed and the chosen tasks will be presented. Learning outcome, competences knowledge: Ethical issues in practice. Getting to know the everyday life of the mental health care facility. The tasks and responsibilities of a clinical psychologist in practice. Integration of diagnostic and psychotherapeutic knowledge in practice. attitude: Supportive, empathic and respectful. Tolerant of individual differences. Open-minded to new knowledge and information. Being mindful of one’s own behavior. Being capable of containing the difficulties (emotional, cognitive and other) of the clinical work. skills: Being ethical and empathic towards patients, relatives and colleagues. Skills regarding the efficient work in a professional team in a mental health care institution. Writing skills. Skills to build, present and discuss professional material. autonomy, responsibility: Students try to represent and apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their university education in an open, cooperative and flexible approach. Students should act in accordance with the ethical guidelines of psychology and also with the rules and ethical principles of the institute (place of practice).
Tantárgy tartalma
Topics of the course Ethical and behavioural particularities of the clinical psychological profession in practice. Group processes in institutional setting. Integration of diagnostic knowledge and therapeutic knowledge. Psychotherapy indications. Learning activities, learning methods Active and supervised participation in the clinical psychological activities in the field. Small group discussions. Talks will be given on the chosen material. Elaboration in writing.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation: requirements Fulfilling the requirements of the external supervisor. Active participation in the discussions. (Absence from the final, major discussion part of the seminar is tolerated!). Presentation of the chosen task (the format of the presentation, oral and written, will be chosen during the first preparatory part). A longer paper (c. 10 pages, font size 12, 1,5 line) on the experience of the fieldwork. A shorter paper: A critical review (3-6 pages, font size 12, 1.5 line) of the book: MacKinnon et al. (2016). The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice. American Psychiatric Publishing. mode of evaluation: practice mark pass with distinction/pass/failed criteria of evaluation: Presentations Participation in discussions and consultations The written assignments
Compulsory reading list MacKinnon et al. (2016). The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice. 3rd. ed. American Psychiatric Publishing.

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