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Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Pszichológiai Intézet
PTSD and trauma-therapy
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COURSE GENERAL Course therapycode: the Aim of courseAim of the course: Tf-CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy will be covered in detail, as well as some more experimental treatments.  Learning outcome, competencesknowledge: Diagnostic criteria of PTSD as described in DSM-5 and ICD 11, unique challenges of diagnosing PTSD and the concept of Complex PTSD. Advantages and disadvantages of formulation vs diagnosis of PTSD. Trauma focused CBT and the Ehlers and Clark model. The history and development of EMDR. The evidence attitude: Organised and regular attender. Compassion and tolerance towards trauma survivors Tf-CBT and EMDR), basic skills in recognising complex trauma presentations as well as basic steps/interventions in therapy are able to apply the acquired knowledge on their own, in accordance with the ethical guidelines of psychology, but only for purposes corresponding to their level of competence. : Presentations, review and discussion of recorded therapy sessions. Review of a  Evaluation of outcomesLearning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluationrequirements: Active presence and attendance. A maximum of two missed blocks could be accepted. Demonstrating a thorough understanding of the diagnostic criteria of PTSD as covered in DSM-5 (Clinical vignette task)Evidence of good understanding of the Ehlers and Clark model of PTSD and key interventions in trauma focused CBT (mini exam on 5-point grading scale10 % attendance and active participation20% Clinical vignette task (diagnostics)35 % Mini exam on Diagnostic and manual of disorders (3rd . American Association. Washington, DC: APA Press.statistical mental ed.)Psychiatric statistical diseases and health  Revision) Ehlers, A., Clark, DM., McManus, F., Cognitive for PTSD: evaluation. BehavTherapy Shapiro, F. (2001). Eye desensitization and principles, procedures (2nd New York, NY, US: Shevlin, M., Karatzias, T., Bisson, J. I., Alternative disorders of stress on new ICD-11 Psychiatrica (5), 419–428.Ehlers, A., Foa, E.B., Resick, P. Shapiro, F., Psychotherapies what they common? Psychotraumatology10.3402/ejpt.v6.28186 COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION (SPECIFIC TO A GIVEN LECTURE OR SEMINAR) General data Specific (sub)title of the course (if relevant): PTSD and Trauma Therapy Specific (sub)code of the course (if relevant): PSYM21-MO-INTV-107 Date and place of the course: Mondays 8.45-12.45 (5 block teaching sessions) Name of the lecturer: Attila Buknicz Department of the lecturer: Clinical Psychology and Addictions Department Email of the lecturer: attila.buknicz@hotmail.com Specific syllabus/schedule of the lecture/seminar (if relevant) March 11th , 25th April 8th , 15th, 22nd,

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