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Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar
PPK Pszichológiai Intézet
Human memory
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
TÁRGYTEMATIKA A tárgy neve: Human memory A tárgy kódja: PSZM21-KG-103 Tárgyfelelős: Ragó Anett Tárgyfelelős tudományos fokozata: PhD Tárgyfelelős munkaköre: Egyetemi adjunktus Tárgyfelelős MAB státusza: A (T) Oktatás célja A tárgy képzési célja: The course gives the possibility for the cognitive psychology students to meet other master program’s students. This puts memory research - the general research methods and recent theories – into the context of applied fields. Our aim is to give an integrative framework within which different research fields could connect to the current theories of memory research. Flexibly adapting the specific topics to the attendant students' interest, we plan to discuss the developmental, clinical, educational, and neuropsychological aspects of memory. The required reading provides a common ground to start a discussion. Furthermore, the presentations chosen by the students show a specific question we discuss during the class Tanulási eredmények, kompetenciák tudás: memory system and background processes research and testing methods of memory processes attitűd: interdisciplinary approach sensitivity toward general theoretical questions képesség: analytic thinking understanding the relevance of the experimental approach Autonómia, felelősség: Self-employed implementation of knowledge and skills according to ethical standards
Tantárgy tartalma
Tantárgy tartalma Fő tartalmi, tematikai egységek Introduction: what is memory? Working memory: measurement techniques(development, education) Procedural memory: conditioning, habits, implicit learning (clinical psychology, neuropsychology) Declarative memory 1 – episodic memory (episodicity, mental time travel) Declarative memory 2 – semantic memory (knowledge bases, expertise) Retrieval: inhibition, source monitoring, forgetting Autobiographical memory – self and memory Self-narratives (life story)  and memory processes Motivated forgetting: trauma, memory recovery Prospective memory: planning, ageing effects Memory development: early memories, building the memory systems Event cognition – understanding visual events, films Memory deficits: amnesia, TBI, Alzheimer’s disease Tervezett tanulási tevékenységek, tanítási módszerek group discussion of the general question presentation by the students written assignment
Számonkérés és értékelés
Számonkérési és értékelési rendszere Követelmények és az értékelés módja, szempontjai: követelmények Students need to read the relevant chapter from the textbook for the class: each class starts with a group discussion of the topic (25 mins) (30%) Presentation of a topic (15 mins presentation and 30 mins discussion) (40%) Research plan of any topic related to memory processes (30%) az értékelés módja: colloquium aggregated score based on the three panels of the classes OR an oral exam (the reading  list includes the presented articles) for those who did not attend the classes az értékelés szempontjai: the level of the acquire knowledge, activity, problem sensitivity, methodological sensitivity
Irodalom Kötelező irodalom Baddeley, A., Eysenck, M. W., & Anderson, M. C. (2014). Memory (2nd edn). Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Baddeley, A. D. (1997). Human memory: Theory and practice. psychology press. Ajánlott irodalom Baddeley, A., Allen, R., & Vargha-Khadem, F. (2010). Is the hippocampus necessary for visual and verbal binding in working memory? Neuropsychologia, 48(4), 1089-1095. Baddeley, A. D., Kopelman, M. D., & Wilson, B. A. (Eds.). (2003). The handbook of memory disorders. John Wiley & Sons. Barclay, C. R. (1996). Autobiographical remembering: Narrative constraints on objectified selves. Remembering our past: Studies in autobiographical memory, 94-125. Conway, M. A. (2005). Memory and the self. Journal of memory and language, 53(4), 594-628. Graf, P. (2002). Lifespan development of human memory. Mit Press. Kihlstrom, J. F. (2020). Varieties of recollective experience. Neuropsychologia, 137, 107295. Marsh, E. J. (2007). Retelling is not the same as recalling: Implications for memory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(1), 16-20.

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