Kurzusok nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak



... Cím (kód) Tervezett Meghirdetve ECTS Nyelv ...
Adapted physical education and sport (F_EN23-2020) Őszi 4
Augewählte Teilbereiche der Logopädie: Kommunkation-, Sprech- und Spracherziehung in Ungarn (F_DE23-2022) Őszi 4 de
Braille and Moon – tactile writings for the blind (F_EN23-2018) Mindkét 2024/25/2 4 en
Cognitive development (F_EN23-2025) Őszi 5 en
Community support, community based services (F_EN23-2014) Mindkét 4 en
Cooperative structures and differentiation in integrated classrooms (F_EN23-2006) Őszi 4
Cortical/cerebral visual impairment (F_EN23-2015) Tavaszi 4
Deafblindness education and rehabilitation aspects (F_EN23-2027) Mindkét 2024/25/2 4 en
Disability in fiction, disability in music and disability as lived experience an introduction to cultural disability studies (F_EN23-2010) Mindkét 4
Drama in education (F_EN23-2004) Mindkét 4 en
Education and support of persons with hearing impairment (F_EN23-2016) Mindkét 4
Ergänzende Fördermassnahmen bei Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung (F_DE23-2008) Őszi 7
Experts by experience and peer support in the human services (F_EN23-2001) Mindkét 6 en
Geschichte der ungarischen Heilpädagogik im internationalen Vergleich (F_DE23_2003) Mindkét 4
Independent living and community based services (F_EN23-2012) Mindkét 2024/25/2 4 en
International perspectives on inclusive education (F_EN23-2024) Mindkét 7
Introduction to disability studies (F_EN23-2013) Mindkét 4
Introduction to human rights, social inclusion, diversity (F_EN23-2011) Mindkét 2024/25/2 5 en
Introduction to motor control and learning (F_EN23-2021) Tavaszi 3
Introduction to rehabilitation medicine (F_EN23-2023) Tavaszi 4
Introduction to special education in Hungary (F_EN23-2002) Mindkét 2024/25/2 4 en
Motivational issues in special education (F_EN23-2007) Őszi 4
New empirical findings on general learning disabilities and behavioural problems (F_EN23-2009) Tavaszi 7
Occupational therapy (F_EN23-2017) Tavaszi 4
Recreation, leisure and free time activities in the lives persons with disabilities (F_EN23-2019) Mindkét 2024/25/2 4 en
Support inclusion through art(s) based methods (F_EN23-2005) Mindkét 4
Topics in cognitive psychology (F_EN23-2026) Tavaszi 2024/25/2 5 en
Without barriers: Inclusion for all in sport (F-EN23-2028) Mindkét 3 en

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